When does the hemp palm blossom? Worth knowing about flowering

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
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Video: How the Best CBD Hemp Flower is Grown on Certified Organic Farm to Make CBD Oil Products


The male hemp palm flowers vigorously yellow

When does the hemp palm blossom? Worth knowing about flowering

If hemp palms develop flowers, this is a sign that the fan palm is doing well and that it has already reached a trunk height of at least one meter. In our latitudes it is quite common for flowering, but very rarely, that you can actually harvest fruits from the flowers of your hemp palm.

Male or female blossom of hemp palm

The hemp palm is dioecious. This means that you have either a male or a female palm. The inflorescences differ only slightly.

Male flowers have a very strong yellow color. Female flowers are yellowish-green and appear more bushy.

In order to fertilize the blossom of a hemp palm, you need a male and a female plant each. You have to take care of the pollination yourself. To do this, first stroke the male and then the female flower several times with a brush.

When does a hemp palm flower?

Only adult hemp palms form flowers. A hemp palm, which is cultivated exclusively in the room, flowers very rarely. In the field, it is more likely to flower when the hemp palm is beautiful bright.

The flowering period starts in April and can last until June.

Cut off the flower of the hemp palm or not?

If you want to dare to multiply your cannabis palm from seeds, just let the flower stand. It dries when it has withered and is then cut off.

If you are particularly interested in the growth of new leaves, you should cut off the flower, as the development of seeds of the palm only unnecessarily steals power.


The fruits of hemp palm are edible. Fully mature, they are blue violet. Hemp palm fruits have a sweet taste and must be consumed as fresh as possible.