The right time to cut the hornbeam hedge

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I’m pruning the hornbeam hedge
Video: How I’m pruning the hornbeam hedge


From March to June the hornbeam hedge should be cut only slightly

The right time to cut the hornbeam hedge

Without regular cut, the fast-growing hornbeam hedge is not tight and looks fast wild. Older hedges should therefore be cut twice a year. When is the best time to cut hornbeam hedges?

The first cut takes place in spring

The best time to radically cut the hornbeam hedge is not autumn, as many gardeners believe, but early spring, preferably February. Then the plants have not yet started the budding and also cope with a strong cut better.

In addition, then nest no birds in the hedge, which would be disturbed by it.

Cut a second time after the St. John's day

The second cut, a slight shape cut, takes place after the St. John's Day, this is the 24th of June. Shortly before the hornbeam hedge has a renewed, but smaller budding.

Do not cut too much from March to the end of June

During the breeding season of the birds hedges may at most easily be pruned. Before reaching for the pair of scissors, look for inhabited nests in the hornbeam hedge.

The right day to cut the hornbeam hedge

The right day also plays a role in the cutting of hornbeam hedges. In winter, a frost-free day with at least 5 degrees Celsius is ideal.

In summer, cut the hedge on a clear day when it is not too warm and does not rain. If the hornbeam hedge is cut in blazing sun, the cut ends dry up and the hedge takes longer to recover.


Young hornbeam hedges need to be cut much more often, so they become tight quickly. A pruning is appropriate up to six times a year. Here, too, the strongest cut is made in early spring.