Fight hawkweed in the garden - tips to combat

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Unwanted: Orange Hawkweed in Bend
Video: Unwanted: Orange Hawkweed in Bend


Hawkweed displaces the grass plants in the lawn

Fight hawkweed in the garden - tips to combat

Hawkweed is an old medicinal plant, which is also like pulled in the garden. However, if she spreads too much, she becomes a nuisance. In the lawn, the herb displaces the grass plants, resulting in bald spots. The fight is complicated. How to destroy the non-toxic weed.

Destroy hawkweed permanently

Hawkweed spreads in two ways in the garden. The flowers of the plants, similar to the dandelion, become dandelions. Due to the wind, the seeds are widely scattered.

In addition, the plant forms long taproots, which drive underground foothills. So the hawkweed also spreads in the immediate vicinity of the mother plant.

If the hawkweed is not kept in check, thick carpets will develop over time. On embankments, these carpets perform well, because they hold the soil together. In the garden and especially in the lawn, the spread is undesirable.

Fight hawkweed

Do not let hawkweed bloom in the garden if you want to prevent it from spreading. Once the plant has developed the winged seeds, the spread can no longer be stopped.

This is how you prick hawkweed

Important in the fight is that the long tap roots are pulled out as completely as possible. Never tear off the herb just superficially.

To combat hawkweed choose a day when the soil is well moistened, for example, after prolonged rainstorms. Then the earth can be loosened more easily.

Use the spade or a digger fork to dig in the soil around the herb and loosen the soil. Then you can pull out the roots. In the lawn, hawkweed can also be removed with the weeder.

Always destroy hawkweed immediately

The cutting out of the hawkweed must take place as soon as possible. The older the perennial plants become, the thicker and deeper the roots reach the earth.


Hawkweed is a good bee pasture because of its yellow and orange-red flowers. If you want to grow the herb in the garden, better plant it in the pot so that it can not spread over the roots. Also choose cultivars that develop sterile flowers.