Preparation, cultivation and care of cucumbers in the greenhouse

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
🥒 Amazing Greenhouse Cucumber Farming And Harvesting - Modern Cucumber Agriculture Technology ▶32
Video: 🥒 Amazing Greenhouse Cucumber Farming And Harvesting - Modern Cucumber Agriculture Technology ▶32


In the greenhouse, cucumbers can be harvested up to four times a year

Preparation, cultivation and care of cucumbers in the greenhouse

Cucumbers need protection and warmth. That's why they feel particularly comfortable in the damp, warm greenhouse climate. How can you optimally prepare the greenhouse for cucumber plants? What should you pay particular attention to when growing, caring and harvesting under glass? And which kinds of cucumbers are suitable for under glass?

Whether free-range cucumbers or greenhouse cucumbers - in the middle of April you can prefer both on the windowsill. Sowing in the greenhouse is already possible at the beginning of April. Outdoor cucumbers may only in the middle of May after the Eisheiligen in the garden.

Which cucumbers grow in the greenhouse?

Recommended greenhouse varieties are, for example, the snake cucumber Helena or the following F1 hybrid:

F1 hybrids are the first generation of a hybrid. Seeds that reflect the characteristics of parent or parent plant. The yield of hybrid plants is usually higher and they are more resistant to diseases than hybrids.

Properly prepare the greenhouse

Young plants of greenhouse cucumbers are sensitive to soil temperatures below 10 ° degrees. If you want to plant cucumber plants in the greenhouse in April, you should isolate this with bubble wrap. And eventually equip with a heater.

Even if cucumbers prefer heat - on hot days they need shade under glass. For this one spans wires for the shading fabric under the roof. Before you can plant greenhouse cucumbers, it is advisable to loosen the soil and to improve it with substrate or 3 to 5 liters of compost per square meter.

Special care for greenhouse cucumbers

From a height of 20 centimeters you can grow young cucumber plants in the greenhouse. Whether in the bucket or on the ground, the planting distance between the cucumber plants should be about 60 centimeters and the row spacing 1.5 meters. As soon as the cucumber plants are in the air, turn the climbing strings from the roof around the cucumber shoot in a spiral pattern and wind again and again. Also important: prick out in time before the cucumber plants reach the greenhouse roof.

Cucumber plants are very thirsty, but tolerate no waterlogging. In addition, they are lime, chlorine and salt sensitive. Therefore fertilize cucumber organically. Light or yellow leaves may indicate a lack of nutrients. Cucumbers that fall off by themselves suffer from lack of water or extreme temperature fluctuations.

Prevent diseases and pests in the greenhouse

A balanced humidity and resistant cucumber varieties or gherkins are the safest protection against typical greenhouse cucumbers diseases and pests such as spider mites and aphids. Regular control of the undersides of the leaves and adhesive boards. If pests are discovered early, they can be combated with beneficial insects or other environmentally friendly crop protection measures.

Harvesting green cucumbers correctly and storing them

Your reward of work? From June, cucumbers can be harvested continuously in the greenhouse up to four times a year. Young, small cucumbers taste better and you can harvest them sooner. As a result, new fruits grow faster. The cucumbers are ripe when the shell feels smooth. Cut the stem above the cucumbers to harvest. The cucumbers are best stored at 13 degrees.

Tips & Tricks

You are sick of cucumbers? Then put cucumber slices on the skin as a moisturizing mask and enjoy the cosmetic fountain of youth for free 😉