Growing cucumbers - what should be considered?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Cucumbers - Complete Growing Guide
Video: How to Grow Cucumbers - Complete Growing Guide


Growing cucumbers - what should be considered?

Cucumbers are among the most popular vegetables among garden owners. They taste refreshing, have less calories for it, the more vitamins and minerals. When cucumbers are differentiated between cucumbers and greenhouses and it should be careful when growing and harvesting.

The right type of cucumber for every leisure gardener

You can choose the right kind according to your taste or the later use of the cucumbers. You can choose between classic cucumber or small, short burger cucumber. The F1 hybrid varieties are generally profitable. They have been specially developed for growing cucumbers or greenhouses and do not need to be pollinated.

In order to obtain resistant, more robust plants, you can even refine cucumbers or purchase grafted cucumber plants. The advantage of pumpkin seedlings as a processing base: they are more resistant to fungal diseases through their stronger and less sensitive root system.

Cucumber cultivation in the greenhouse and field

If you grow cucumbers in the greenhouse at the beginning of April, you should first prepare the soil and attach shading nets and climbing cords to the roof. Cucumber plants can be released outdoors in mid-May. Your location in the garden or on the balcony should be warm, sunny and sheltered from the wind.

Plant the cucumbers with a planting distance of half a meter. In good weather and with sufficient nutrients supplied, the cucumber plants shoot up quickly. With special trellis aids you direct growth and direction to where there is room. Also, the side shoots ausizen prevents wild growth and the plant power remains in flowers and fruits.

Can the cucumber grow on the balcony?

In a bucket or pot of at least 20 liters you can grow cucumbers on the balcony. Fill the planter with substrate or potting soil, plant cucumbers, attach to a climbing aid and place in a sunny, sheltered place.

Finally harvest time

Just two weeks after flowering - with early sowing in the greenhouse as early as the end of May - the first cucumber harvest begins. In the field, early cucumbers are ripe in mid-July. With yellowish peel the maturity stage is exceeded. Cut overripe fruits from the plant so as not to unnecessarily weaken them. With regular harvest, cucumber plants are constantly producing new fruits. Ideally, you can harvest fresh cucumbers twice a week until September.

Grow cucumbers and select neighbors

Good neighbors are beans, garlic and dill. On the other hand, peas, cabbage and celery are less tolerant of cucumbers.

Tips & Tricks

Snails love young cucumber plants. Protect the plantlets immediately after cultivation with a snail fence or sprinkle slug pellets.