What use is there for Gundermann?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
#Gundermann wirkung #How to use?
Video: #Gundermann wirkung #How to use?


With Gundermann, bare corners can be planted - but beware: he is fast growing

What use is there for Gundermann?

Gundermann can be found almost everywhere on fallow land, on meadows and in gardens. Often, the creeper is considered a nuisance weed. It is a proven herb for centuries, the effect of which has been scientifically proven. In addition, Gundelrebe, as the plant is also called, is used as a seasoning in the kitchen.

Use of Gundermann in house and garden

Grooming Gundermann in the garden

Gundermann is undemanding and grows almost everywhere. The herb is ideal for greening dark, damp corners. It can be planted wherever ivy thrives.

But beware! The plant ranks very strong and occupies the whole garden if its spread is not combated. The long tendrils must be regularly cut off and removed, as they produce many offshoots.

Gundermann in the kitchen

Gundelrebe has very spicy leaves that taste a bit minty. They contain a lot of vitamin C and are therefore a healthy addition to wild herb salad.

Dried or fresh Gundermann leaves are suitable as herbs. It can be added to all foods that are also seasoned with thyme or mint.

The healing effect of Gundermann

Already Hildegard von Bingen recognized the healing effect of Gundermanns inflammation. The medicinal herb contains essential oils that have an anti-inflammatory effect. It was then used as today for the healing of purulent wounds. Hence the name, because Gund is Old High German for pus.

The leaves are crushed and placed externally as a compress on wounds. There they support wound healing. By the way, can be made from Gundelrebe a bath additive that acts skin-conditioning.

As a tea or tincture, Gundermann can be used as part of a medical treatment. It is recommended for stubborn colds, loss of appetite and internal inflammation. The tannins and bitter substances contained in the Gundelrebe stimulate the metabolism and reduce appetite.


For humans Gundermann is not poisonous. It looks different with animals. Meadows that are overgrown with Gundermann are not suitable for livestock or rodent cages because animals can become seriously ill from the herb.