green Lily

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Green Lily: Lerwick lifeboat crew in dramatic Gold Medal rescue of sailors from sinking ship
Video: Green Lily: Lerwick lifeboat crew in dramatic Gold Medal rescue of sailors from sinking ship


The green lily is ideal as a houseplant: It is easy to clean and purifies the air

green Lily

The green lily creates a natural feel-good atmosphere, cleans the air, sets decorative accents and brings calm into the hectic of everyday life. In order for this miraculous houseplant to thrive without any problems, we answer all fundamental questions about professional cultivation here.

care Tips

The agenda for proper green lily care includes these points:

A hibernation in the true sense does not lodge the houseplant. Nevertheless, the need for irrigation water is reduced from November to March. Since hardly any growth takes place, the green lily receives no fertilizer during this time.
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Which location is suitable?

The more intense the photosynthesis, the more magnificent the petal plant develops. Therefore, assign a sunny spot to a green lily, with shade in the midday sun. In low-light room corners, we recommend a complementary lighting during the winter time. In addition, the ideal location should be:

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Cut green lilies properly

A regular pruning is not part of the regular care program of a green lily. Nevertheless, the houseplant is extremely cut friendly. Cutting is therefore easily considered in these cases:

Fully withered leaves are better plucked instead of cutting them off. A cut always leaves a small piece of leaf on the plant that causes the risk of rot.
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Water green lilies

Overall, the water needs of a green lily on average level moves. During the main growing season, the green plant thrives best when kept constantly moist. From November to March, the growth stops, so that the need for casting is correspondingly reduced. Ideally, you should use collected rainwater or stale tap water, as the green lily prefers a slightly acidic soil.
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Fertilize green lilies properly

To produce the decorative jewelry leaves, the green lily does not come without additional nutrients. Fertilize therefore every 2-3 weeks from April to October with a liquid fertilizer for green plants. The dosage depends on the size, the location conditions and the growth rate. During the winter, fertilizer is usually not required. Only in warm locations with appropriate growth, give every 4 weeks from October to March some fertilizer.

If a cat is within range of a green lily, we recommend the use of organic fertilizer, such as liquid compost, horn meal or worm tea.
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Multiply green lilies

Where the green lily spreads a good mood as a solitaire, the desire for more copies grows. For propagation you have the choice of the following methods:

Do not cut the root ball with a knife. Ideally, you should dissect the potted green lily with your hands so that there are only marginal injuries to the roots.
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If it is too tight for a green lily in the tub, it should be repotted in the spring. Follow these steps:

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Is green lilies poisonous?

From a green lily there is no health risk. The houseplant is therefore one of the favorites for a harmless indoor greenery. This applies to humans and animals alike.
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Brown leaves

If brown leaves develop on a green lily, this is primarily no cause for alarm. Nevertheless, the cause should be found out and remedied. The most common triggers at a glance:

Too low humidity also causes brown leaves. Therefore, spray the lily every few days with lime-free water or place a humidifier in the room.
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Yellow leaves

With yellow leaves, the green lily expresses its displeasure when it is deficient due to neglect of care. The yellowing indicates that the plant lacks iron. The designated as Blattchlorose harmful image arises when too Kalkhaltiges irrigation water is used. Although the fertilizer contains enough iron, this nutrient is bound by too much lime and does not find its way into the jewelry leaves. Therefore, switch the water supply to collected rainwater or decalcified tap water.

A further cause of yellow leaves is the focus on a dark spot, which affects the vital chlorophyll production in the foliage. Last but not least, a pest infestation comes into consideration. If cunning lice or thrips of a green lily suck the juice, the leaves turn yellow.
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Why does the green lily get brown tips?

A common pattern of green lilies is brown spikes. In this way, the plant reacts when its leaves constantly hit a surface. Therefore, preferably cultivate the green plant in a traffic light or on a flower stand so that the long shoots can dangle down.

If you are disturbed by the brown tips, they can be cut off with a disinfected pair of scissors. Do not cut into the green, but leave a tiny piece of discolored tissue of 1-2 millimeters on the leaf.
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Is the green lily poisonous to cats?

The green lily is for cats at the top of the list when it comes to nibble plants. That's a good thing, because it does not contain toxins and works in a similar way to classic cat grass. Only the seeds should not get into Mieze's stomach as they could cause nausea. Therefore, immediately cut the withered flowers out of a green lily.
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The green lily as a houseplant

In the ranking of the most popular houseplants, the green lily has been at the top of the list for decades. This is hardly surprising, given their frugal unpretentiousness and their distinctive appearance. The green lily owes its second name official grass to the fact that it not only filters out toxins from the breathing air of the office, but also accepts a weekend without care without complaint.

The green lily also acts as a lush ornament on the summery balcony, as long as it is not confronted here with blazing midday sun and granted in time in autumn. Followers of the Feng Shui harmony theory, the grazile leaf ornamental plant serves as a force whorl, replacing the consumed life energy.
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Pull the green lily as a hydroponic plant

The green lily is considered a prime example of a houseplant in hydroponics. However, you should opt for this variant in advance, because a conversion of Erdwurzeln on water roots tolerates even the frugal Grünlilie in hindsight only rarely.

To dare the experiment of hydroponic culture, the use of children is recommended for beginners. Simply place in the hydroponic pot and start with a slightly elevated water level. As the roots sprout, the water level can be lowered to a normal level.
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The green lily cleans the air

Followers of the Feng Shui philosophy have long known: The green lily contributes to air purification in rooms. Therefore, it is not only common in living rooms, but decorates office and work spaces. The African leaf ornamental plant thus not only serves to visually improve the indoor climate, but also filters toxins out of the breathing air.
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Green lily multiply by offshoot

Hardly any other plant provides such generous offshoots as the green-lily. Clever hobby gardeners buy a maximum of one plant and draw more copies with the help of the Kindel. A proven procedure goes like this:

You play it safe if you let the offshoot and mother plant connect first. Place the seed pot in the immediate vicinity and treat the daughter plants similar to a sinker. The separation occurs only when the Kindel has developed well.
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The seeds of the green lily

Some time after flowering, the green lily forms small capsule fruits that develop 2-3 millimeter black seeds. If it is a uni-green wild species, you can dare the attempt of sowing. In the case of variegated hybrids, however, hops and malt are lost if you want to grow new plants from the seeds.
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Is the green lily hardy?

The green lily is native to South Africa. Consequently, it is not hardy and is considered an ideal indoor plant. There is nothing wrong with placing the foliage plant on the balcony during the summer, as it develops particularly abundantly under the open sky. If the temperatures fall below 10 degrees, the green lily moves to the house.
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The green lily species

The green lily (Chlorophytum comosum) has established itself as the only species of its genus in our latitudes as a houseplant. This is a little puzzling, since among the more than 100 other species, several potential candidates for the domestic windowsill are represented. After all, you have the choice among distinctive varieties of green lilies, which come up with decorative drawn leaves. So the variety Mandaianum with yellow median stripe on dark green foliage stands out.
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The most beautiful varieties