Grasnelke - location, care, propagation & hibernation

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grasnelke - location, care, propagation & hibernation - Garden
Grasnelke - location, care, propagation & hibernation - Garden


Cloves should be poured rather less

Grasnelke - location, care, propagation & hibernation

The flowering grass (Armeria) is very common on the European coasts (Armeria maritima) or in the alpine region (A. alpina), where the robust, pollinating shrubs thrive in extreme locations. The tiny flowers are arranged in about three to four centimeters large, spherical umbels. Pink flowering varieties are very common, but there are also purple, white or delicately pink flowers.

Early article grassland prefers full sunshine location Next article Successfully propagate grassland - division, cuttings, sowing

Which location is ideal for flowering?

Cloves prefer a full sun with permeable soil.

Which planting distance should be kept?

You should place at most 25 plants per square meter.

How often do I have to water the grass?

Cloves have a very high tolerance to drought, but are very sensitive to moisture - especially waterlogged. For this reason, a location that is as dry as possible in winter should be selected.

When and with what should you fertilize grasslands?

Fertilization is not really necessary. However, at the beginning of the growing season, you can supply the plants with some liquid fertilizer (for example fertilizer).

How and when can you cut grasslands?

To extend the flowering time, you should trim the plants after flowering. For larger plantings, this is very easy with a lawn edge scissors or even with the rotating thread of a lawn edge trimmer.

How can grasslands be multiplied?

Cloves delight with a steady increase. The upholstery is very easy to divide, even small parts grow easily and quickly form complete new plants. Division season is throughout the summer until about the beginning of September. Most fall sufficient cuts, but a cuttings propagation in June or July also brings very good results.

Are grasslands hardy?

Yes, grasses are absolutely hardy and need no extra protection. Only in very wet winters can problems arise, as the plants are quite sensitive to moisture.

Which diseases / pests are common in grasslands?

In unfavorable locations, it can quickly lead to problems with fungal diseases, against which, however, can be injected preventively. It is best, however, to put the plants right where they feel good.

Which varieties are particularly recommended?

In addition to the popular white form "Alba" is also the bright crimson, comparatively large-flowered "Düsseldorf pride" - this remounted even in the fall - quite well known. Charming is also the pink "roses", which is also characterized by very fine foliage.


In particular, the Armeria varieties with long stems make very good cut flowers.