Cutting gold lacquer: why, when, with what and how?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
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Video: Know Your Cutting Tools: Using Coolant and Proper Cutting Lubrication


A pruning stimulates the formation of new flowers

Cutting gold lacquer: why, when, with what and how?

It's spring. Not only the daffodils and tulips are blooming, but also the gold varnish with its seemingly yellow and honey sweet fragrant flowers. Is it advisable to cut it afterwards? What should be considered when cutting this perennial?

Previous article This care needs your gold paint! Next article Gold paint: Everywhere hardy or vulnerable?

Several reasons that speak for a cut

For various reasons, it makes sense to provide the gold paint with a cut or several cuts:

Break the main drive

The first cut is already in the young stage. If the gold paint has reached a size of 10 to 15 cm, its main drive is cut off.This has the meaning that this branches and the growth of the plant is thus busier and denser.

A simple secateurs is enough

To remove the old flowers a conventional secateurs is sufficient. It is important that this is clean and sharp. Otherwise there is a risk that the gold varnish will be attacked by diseases. He is prone to fungal diseases such as gray mold in bad care. But overall, the gold paint is well tolerated cut.

When and how should one cut the gold lacquer?

Already during the flowering period you should cut the gold lacquer or at least clean it with your fingertips. The old flowers are removed. The flowering period usually lasts from May to June.

Harvest seeds for sowing - do not cut

Only if you want the plant to produce your poisonous seeds that you can use later for sowing, you should not remove the withered flowers. The seeds are mature in about July. Then you can take them out of the pods.

Cutting back on perennial varieties in autumn

For the second time, the gold paint is cut when autumn has started. However, this only applies to perennial varieties. They are cut down to the ground in autumn. On the ground, however, a few leaves should be left. Then comes in the course of winter protection, a layer of brushwood.


Basically, the cutting back of the gold paint is not absolutely necessary. However, the cut keeps the plant healthier and stronger.