Detect and combat pests on the Goldfruchtpalme

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Detect and combat pests on the Goldfruchtpalme - Garden
Detect and combat pests on the Goldfruchtpalme - Garden


Spider mites and thrips are the main enemies of the gold fruit palm

Detect and combat pests on the Goldfruchtpalme

Even if the gold fruit palm is a very robust palm species - pests can do it pretty. Which pests do you need to pay attention to? How do you detect an infestation and how do you combat the uninvited visitors?

Spider mites and thrips infest gold fruit palms

Whenever the leaves of the Goldfruchtpalme discolor or the fronds look miserable and appear to suffer from stunted growth, a pest infestation may be present.

In the case of gold fruit palms, there are two main types of pests that occur more frequently: spider mites and thrips.

If you suspect a pest infestation, place the affected plants separately so that the pests can not spread further.

Detect and fight spider mites

An attack by spider mites is shown by the yellowing of the leaves. If you look very carefully, you will recognize the little animals. Spider mites can be determined even better by spraying the fronds with water. Then you can see small webs in the leaf axils.

Carefully spray the areca palm with lukewarm water to wash off the spider mites. Then you use commercially available pest control sticks that are put into the soil.

How to find thrips

Growth disorders and miserable fronds indicate thrips. On the underside of the leaf are small dots, which are droppings. In heavy infestation, the leaves show spotty.

Again, the gold fruit palm is rinsed with running water. To combat also sticks are stuck in the ground.

Cover the earth

Before rinsing the Goldfruchtpalme, cover the potting soil, so that the pests can not hide in the ground.

Prevent pest infestation

An infestation by pests is almost always caused by too dry air, especially in heated rooms.

You can prevent pest infestation by spraying the Areca palm more frequently with lime-free, lukewarm water. This will increase the humidity. Even shells with water near the plants contribute to this.


If the Areca palm is out in the summer, you should thoroughly examine it for pests before you bring it into the house. Otherwise, there is a risk that the pest infestation spreads and all plants in the house fall ill.