Dry goji berries uncomplicated and enjoy all year round

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Growing and Drying Goji Berries | Vlog
Video: Growing and Drying Goji Berries | Vlog


Goji berries can be dried in the sun

Dry goji berries uncomplicated and enjoy all year round

After harvesting in late summer, Goji berries can only be enjoyed and processed fresh for a relatively short period of time. Since many lovers of this berry, praised as "superfood", have become accustomed in recent years to buying dried imported berries and their enjoyment as an ingredient in muesli, bread or cakes, their own Goji berries can also be dried out of the garden in a relatively uncomplicated way preserved in this way for year-round consumption.

Prepare the goji berries properly for drying

As goji berries on individual shrubs tend to ripen gradually, the fruits can be consumed fresh or processed over a longer period of time. If the fruits are to be dried for preservation purposes, then the drying process should be initiated by the shrub as soon as possible after harvesting. For this purpose, the berries are (if not already done) de-stemmed and thoroughly cleared of adhering dirt particles with clear water. You do not have to coring goji berries before drying, as the many small seeds inside the goji berries are easily eaten. After washing, the Goji berries are gently dried with a clean kitchen towel, before the fruits are then spread on a kitchen towel or on absorbent kitchen or baking paper as possible single-layered to dry.

Goji berries drying in the sun

Goji berries can be easily dried in the sun within a few days. However, the goji berries should be protected from rain under a roof ledge and placed in an interior during the night. Thus, the berries are not hindered by precipitating humidity during the drying process. When drying goji berries in the sun, you should turn the fruits a few times and mix well to allow them to dry evenly. If you have provided a window seat inside the house for drying the goji berries, it should be ensured that there is sufficient ventilation to prevent mold growth.

Gently dry goji berries in the oven or dehydrator

Goji berries can also be dried in the oven or in a dehydrator, which is usually much faster than the drying process in the sun and the normal temperature air. In the oven should be selected for the drying of the berries a temperature of not significantly above 40 degrees Celsius. In addition, the oven door, for example, with a wooden spoon on wood to keep a gap wide open, so that the moisture escaping from the berries can flow with the air. Drying works even better in a special dehydrator, which is usually also equipped with a temperature or ventilation control as well as a timer.

Use dried goji berries versatile

Dried goji berries (bought or self-produced) can be used in a variety of ways:


Dried Goji berries preserved in this way can later be swollen in lukewarm water for further use. If the goji berries are then thoroughly washed several times, then this should at least alleviate the taste of many fans of the buckthorn berry as perceived bitter taste.