Grow lucky clover yourself - it's that easy!

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Grow lucky clover yourself - it's that easy! - Garden
Grow lucky clover yourself - it's that easy! - Garden


The propagation of lucky clover is a breeze

Grow lucky clover yourself - it's that easy!

Lucky clover is quite easy to multiply. If you want to multiply the pretty ornamental plant as a lucky charm yourself, there are various methods available for this purpose. So works the propagation of lucky clover.

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Methods of propagation of lucky clover

There are four different ways to multiply lucky clover. The cultivation of seeds is the most popular.

Pull lucky clover from seeds

This method is recommended if you want to give the lucky clover to New Year. Just sow a few seeds in a pot of potting soil in the fall.

Make the pots very bright and warm and keep the substrate evenly moist.

Share roots in autumn

Lucky clover makes many little daughter onions. If you repot the lucky tea or dig up in the autumn to overwinter it, carefully separate the onions. Then place them in small prepared pots with potting soil.

To increase lucky clover from cuttings or sinkers

The propagation from cuttings is uncomplicated. In the spring, cut off a few leaves with the longest possible stalks. Put the shoots in pots with potting soil and keep them moist. You can also simply put the leaves in a glass of water. There, roots form after some time.

To propagate lucky clover from lowercase only works in the field. To do this, lay a few leaves with long stems on the floor and cover the stem with some earth.

In the field, lucky clover multiplies by itself

If you pull the lucky clover outdoors and not in the pot all year round, you do not need to worry about the multiplication. If the location is favorable, the ornamental plant forms many subterranean foothills, from which new plantlets emerge.

If the lucky clover flowers, later in the fruit ripen seeds over which the plant itself seeds.

Many horticulturists also consider clover to be weeds, just like the garden clover, because the spread can hardly be stopped.


Particularly popular is the variety Oxalis triangulari, also called triangular clover. It is not only available with green leaves but also with red leaves.