Do I have to repot my lucky bamboo regularly?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Repotting my Lucky bamboo plants into soil & upgrading them to a larger pot 🌱
Video: Repotting my Lucky bamboo plants into soil & upgrading them to a larger pot 🌱


Lucky bamboo should be repotted at least every two years

Do I have to repot my lucky bamboo regularly?

Whether and how often the easy-care lucky bamboo should be repotted depends largely on its form of keeping. If he is standing in a vase, then the vessel only has to be changed if it gets too small.

When should I repot my lucky bamboo?

About every one to two years you can think about repotting your lucky bamboo. Then the earth is already a bit exhausted and also the expanded clay in the hydroponic culture is no longer fresh. It can easily form germs and mold.

If your lucky bamboo turns yellow, then you should react quickly. Fresh soil or fresh substrate is helpful in these cases. In addition, you should cut off all yellowed plant parts. Of course, the lucky bamboo must also be repotted if it has become too big for his planter.

What should I consider when repotting?

Carefully remove your lucky bamboo from the previous planter and free the roots of old soil or substrate. Then rinse the roots with clean water and plant your lucky bamboo in fresh soil or fresh substrate.

Look for a firm footing on the Lucky Bamboo, but do not plant it or just plant it a little deeper than it was previously planted. Also, the diameter of the planter should match your lucky bamboo. The roots do not need a lot of space. It is more about the visual impression, this should be harmonious.

You are welcome to plant several stems in a receptacle. These can be connected in a very decorative way. If your lucky bamboo has grown very high, you can now cut a trunk and multiply your plants. Place the cut piece in a jar of stale water until roots have formed, then it can be planted.

The essentials in brief:


Spice up your lucky bamboo about every one to two years. If signs of disease show on the plant, then this is also an opportunity to repot.