How to properly fertilize Lucky Bamboo - tips and tricks

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: How to FERTILIZE your LUCKY BAMBOO Plants ?


More important than fertilizer is fresh, clean water

How to properly fertilize Lucky Bamboo - tips and tricks

Depending on how you hold your lucky bamboo in water, hydroponics or soil, it needs more or less fertilizer. In general, however, a too low fertilizer dose is better tolerated than too large an amount at once.

Even more important than the fertilizer is clean and low-calcium or lime-free water for the health and a long life of your lucky bamboo. Refill it regularly to keep the water level at about the same level. Unclean or foul-smelling water swap out immediately, otherwise your Lucky Bamboo could rot or mold.

Lucky bamboo in the vase

In the vase, the lucky bamboo without fertilizer gets no nutrients, so it must be fertilized regularly. About every seven to 14 days is enough. You can use commercial fertilizer for hydroponics. But always give only a small dose, so that no algae can form in the water.

Lucky bamboo in hydroponics

Like in the vase, easy-care lucky bamboo in hydroponic culture gets no nutrients from the substrate. He is therefore dependent on the supply from the outside in the form of fertilizer. Again, every week or every 14 days should be fertilized. Special fertilizers for plants in hydroponics can be obtained in the nursery or in the hardware store.

Lucky bamboo in earth

If you have planted your lucky bamboo in soil, you fertilize a little less often because the soil also contains nutrients. In fresh soil, the bamboo is quite a few months without fertilizer. If you want to transplant your lucky bamboo from the vase or hydroponics in soil, then wait until it is sufficiently rooted.

The essentials in brief:


Planted in soil, the lucky bamboo needs only a small amount of fertilizer, since soil already contains nutrients. Without soil, however, he depends on regular fertilization.