Lucky Bamboo: Cultivate and multiply

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lucky Bamboo Care and Propagation for Beginners
Video: Lucky Bamboo Care and Propagation for Beginners


The Lucky Bamboo is easy to pull in water

Lucky Bamboo: Cultivate and multiply

The Lucky Bamboo is a popular souvenir on New Year's Eve celebrations or other festivities. The plant holds many secrets. It can be cultivated in different ways and requires little care at the right location.


The original distribution area of ​​the Glücksbambus lies in Cameroon and tropical West Africa. Lucky Bamboo reached Europe in the 19th century, when the plant was admired. The Lucky Bamboo bears the Latin name Dracaena braunii, which indicates the belonging to the genus of the dragon trees. The plant is thus not a bamboo, but related to the palm-like dragon tree. Frequently, other dragon tree species are offered with similar growth form as a lucky bamboo.


Dracaena braunii develops evergreen leaves that appear alternate. The leaf shape is reminiscent of the shape of a reed leaf, because it is not divided into leaf blade and stalk. The leaf blades do not narrow to the bottom, but go over into the leaf sheaths. Due to the alternate arrangement, the leaf sheaths form a kind of trunk. The long leaves are light green and have a smooth surface. They are lanceolate and ganzrandig formed. Their leaf nerves are parallel to each other.


The lucky bamboo develops salver-shaped flowers whose six bracts are colored white. The inconspicuous flowers sit in semicircular panicles and are short-stalked. The single flowers are hermaphroditic and emit a light scent. As is typical of the dragon trees, the lucky bamboo flowers in the night. They specialize in certain pollinators that are active at night. As a result of this adaptation, the plants do not have to invest any energy in the development of eye-catching flower shapes and colors.

It takes several years for a plant to flower. Most dragon trees bloom once to multiply. Then the plant dies. In the lucky bamboo so far only wild woken specimens could be observed flowering. The flowering period extends over the summer months. In the room culture, the plants do not bloom.


The natural habit is upright and shrubby. The lucky bamboo grows slender and forms at the base of several side shoots. As a result, the plant grows very wide. The cultivated forms form long trunks, which are turned spirally at the upper end. There are also just awake shoots that form a lucky pyramid with different stature heights. The lucky bamboo you can buy in the trade is actually a rooted cuttlebug. He is permanently drawn in water or in hydroponic culture.


The bred specimens reach a stature height of 100 centimeters. They can be between 60 and 100 inches wide.


For about 4,000 years, this plant symbolizes happiness, health and success. It is given away in modern times on a variety of occasions so that it brings a good life to the recipient. The lucky bamboo is considered to be a tough plant, which has associations with longevity. In Hong Kong, the plant decorates almost every office. Here, the lucky bamboo is often decorated with red ribbons that stand for wealth.

The lucky bamboo is offered as a single trunk or as a pyramid-shaped arrangement of several cuttings. The imagination has no limits in the design, since the plants do not need a deep planter. They can be cultivated in a shallow dish and arranged as desired crosswise, overlapping or fence-shaped intertwined. The number of cuttings plays a role. Three stems symbolize happiness, five trunks stand for energy. Seven sprouts bring health and eight luck and wealth.

The Lucky Bamboo embellished:

Is Lucky Bamboo poisonous?

The plant parts of the lucky bamboo are considered slightly poisonous. This classification is based on the ingredients. Dracaena braunii contains saponins, which can have high doses negative effects on the organism. Symptoms of intoxication rarely occur, because the bitter taste naturally deters from consuming larger quantities. The intestine usually absorbs saponins very badly. If the intestinal wall is inflamed, saponins can enter the bloodstream and dissolve the red blood cells.

Is Lucky Bamboo toxic to pets?

The toxicity is similarly low in animals. Cats and dogs that have consumed large amounts can get diarrhea. For fish, saponins are as toxic as surfactants. However, there is only a risk of poisoning if these phytochemicals get directly into the water or the fish eat the plant parts. This is usually not the case when a lucky bamboo is kept in the aquarium.

Which location is suitable?

Dracaena braunii prefers a bright location all year round, which should not be too sunny. You can influence the growth of the plant by the brightness. If you move your lucky bamboo to a darker place, it will grow slower. However, the permanent lack of light damages the health. High humidity improves vitality. If you are cultivating your plant directly above the heater on the windowsill, there should always be plenty of water in the planter. Otherwise, the leaves dry out easily due to the dry heating air.

The ambient temperature should be at least 18 degrees Celsius. The plant is sensitive to cooler temperatures as it stops growing. Avoid drafts and a cold floor. In summer, the plant thanks an outdoor location in partially shaded conditions.

Which soil does the plant need?

You can plant your lucky bamboo in a loamy substrate that has been enriched with sand. The plants prefer a humus-rich substrate. Ideally suited is commercially available potting soil, which will loosen up with sand or perlite. The cuttings can be grown in pure hydroponic culture. For this purpose, expanded clay or clay granulate is suitable. If the plant has not yet developed a pronounced root system, you can put the plant in a vase filled with water.

Multiply lucky bamboo

The easiest way to increase the luck bamboo on side shoots. These are cut off from healthy and strong stems with a sharp knife. Remove the bottom leaves from the side shoot and place them in a water-filled container. Place the vase in a bright place with indirect sun for one month. You should change the water weekly. After about 30 days, the side shoots have developed enough roots so that they can be planted or pulled in hydroponic culture. Ideally, the side shoots have reached a length of ten centimeters.
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Propagation over the seeds is almost impossible because the cultivated specimens do not flower. Should it still succeed, the actual sowing is very easy. The seeds germinate on potting soil under high humidity. The plant container should be in a light location.


Another form of propagation is the cutting of cuttings. Here, a trunk is divided into several pieces, which should be about ten inches long. Always cut the pieces directly above a knot. At this point, the cuttings drift again later.

Dip the upper interface into liquid soy wax that is free of dyes and fragrances. The candle wax seals the interface so that no pathogens and fungal spores can penetrate the wound. The cuttings are then placed in water and placed in a warm and bright place.


If you want to plant the lucky bamboo in soil, you should choose a sufficiently large vessel. The pot diameter should be five inches larger than the plant. Ideally, a terracotta vessel, as the material ensures optimal air and moisture circulation. Make sure that the vessel has a drain hole. As a plant substrate is a mixture of normal soil, peat and sand. Put the lucky bamboo as deep in the ground as it was in the water before. This gives the plant stability.
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Pour happiness bamboo

When cultivating the Lucky Bamboo in hydroponic culture, the roots should always be covered with water. Give the plant enough water so that the bottom end is two to three centimeters in the water. If the shoots grow in soil, a regular and economical casting is recommended. The substrate should be moist but not wet. Make sure that excess water runs well.

If the Lucky Bamboo is in pure water, you should maintain the water level and change the water weekly. This will prevent the formation of algae. Dirt and deposits are removed in this way.

For watering, use soft water, as lime damages the plants. The water should be at room temperature so that the roots do not get cold shock from cold tap water. Spray the leaves regularly with water from a flower syringe. This measure increases the humidity.

Fertilize the bamboo correctly

The plants have a high nutrient requirement and are grateful for a regular fertilization. Pay attention to an economical dosage, as a nutrient excess harms the plant. Every ten days, give the Lucky Bamboo a special hydroponic fertilizer to add to the irrigation water. Cultivation in the substrate requires no additional fertilization. The plant extracts nutrients from the substrate.

Cut the luck bamboo properly

Dracaena braunii does not have to be cut. You can use cutbacks to promote certain growth forms and direct your lucky bamboo. For the expression of a crown, the lateral shoots are cut close to the trunk. Cut off the new shoots as well. The plant will always develop fresh side shoots, which gradually condense into a crown.

Dead plant parts can be cut off regularly. They often occur in winter in too dry indoor air. Rotten and diseased leaves and sprouts must be removed generously, so that the healthy part is not affected.
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The ornamental plant can reach considerable heights in the course of their life, so that the vessel becomes too narrow at some point. As soon as your lucky bamboo becomes too tall and the vessel can no longer provide stability, you can treat the plant to a larger pot. Choose a heavy and stable bucket with enough volume. If the plant grows in the substrate, it should be transplanted every year. Before planting the plant in fresh soil, the roots should be thoroughly cleaned. This prevents diseases.

How to plant the Lucky Bamboo:

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In the winter, the lucky bamboo spends preferably at constant temperatures, which should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. Since the air in the winter is particularly dry due to the constant heating, you must spray the plant more often with water. Protect the plant from drafts. An intermittent airing for a maximum of ten minutes is not a problem.


The lucky bamboo is rarely haunted by diseases. Damage is often due to improper care or suboptimal site conditions. If no care mistakes are visible and the trunk turns yellow at certain points, the yellow rot can be a cause. It is believed that bacteria or molds come as a pathogen in question. They save the plant from rotting by cutting off the damaged piece generously. Use gloves and a disinfected knife.

A yellowing of the stem, which pulls up from the base, indicates a nutrient excess in the substrate or water. In contrast, a quick transplanting helps.


In winter, the dry heating air often leads to pest infestation. The plants are weakened during this time due to wrong site conditions.

Scale insects

They settle on the underside of the leaves and the sprouts and feed on the sap. If the pest infestation is low, you can remove the scale insects with a sharp stream of water. Plant protection sticks help the plants, which are cultivated in soil. In hydroponic crops, the pests are removed with summer oil. After this treatment, rinse the plant thoroughly with clear water.

spider mites

The pests multiply in dry conditions leaving fine cobwebs between the leaves and bright speckles on the leaf top. As a first aid, it is recommended to spray the plant with a hard jet of water. Ensure high humidity to suppress the pests.

Yellow leaves

If the leaves of the lucky bamboo turn yellow, this indicates a lack of water or suboptimal lighting conditions. Dracaena braunii needs a bright location, which is protected from direct sunlight, and sufficient water. If the water is too calcareous, in addition to the yellow leaves, lime margins appear on the stems. Chlorine in the water also leads to a yellowing of the leaves. Change the water or plant the plant in fresh substrate. Make sure the irrigation water is low in lime.


The lucky bamboo is offered in a variety of forms. The shoots are intertwined, turned up to a screw or arranged in a pyramid shape. A white lily fits perfectly to this plant. The arrangement is harmonious and calming.
