Gloxinia in the garden - tips on location and care

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
No.1 indoor flowering plant /Gloxinia care tips/ Sinningia speciosa
Video: No.1 indoor flowering plant /Gloxinia care tips/ Sinningia speciosa


In the garden only special outdoor gloxinia should be cultivated

Gloxinia in the garden - tips on location and care

Not only as a houseplant makes the Gloxinie a good figure. Hardy varieties of the plant offered as outdoor gloxinia can also be grown in the garden. Garden glosgines bloom for many months at a convenient location - with a bit of luck until November.

Early article Gloxinia in the room properly maintain - tips for care Next article Gloxinia for the garden are hardy

The right location for Gloxinia in the garden

The non-toxic garden gloxinia like a bright, somewhat sheltered location in the garden. They tolerate sunny situations as well as partial shade. Direct midday sun is not quite as cheap.

The soil must not be compacted. The biggest enemy of Gartengloxinie is waterlogging. The tubers then rot in the ground.

How to maintain garden glosgines

You only have to water if it was very dry for a very long time. During flowering, the Gloxinia need more water than before and after. Pull it in the bucket, make sure that the earth does not dry out completely, but never too moist.

You do not necessarily need to fertilize garden goninines. It's enough if you sprinkle some ripe compost around the plants in spring or summer.

Trim faded flowers as closely as possible. This promotes the formation of other flowers and prolongs the flowering period.

Hibernate Gloxinia in the field

Free-range Gloxinia are hardy to minus 20 degrees. However, the tubers are very hard on the winter wet. It is recommended to dig them out in the fall and keep them in a cool, dry place.

In spring you can prefer them in the pot and plant them outdoors again in May.

Propagation by division of the tubers

Gloxinia can also be extracted from seeds - but this takes a long time. Three years pass before the plant develops the first flowers.

It is easier to multiply gloxinia by dividing the tubers. However, the mother plant is often involved. The tubers must be stored as dry and dark as possible until planting in May.


In addition to the low Gloxinia for the garden, there are also varieties that are sold as climbing Gloxinien. These form long tendrils, with which they wind up at trellises. They can also be pulled very well as hanging plants in a hanging basket.