Store rocket properly for longer freshness

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Rocket is best washed before storage and dried well

Store rocket properly for longer freshness

The spicy rocket, also called Salatrauke, is a popular ingredient for starters and colorful salads. The fine leaves also wither quickly in the fridge, but with the following tips you will gain one to two days.

Store rocket in the fridge

Rucola can not be stored for three to four days, longer. The leaves evaporate a lot of moisture, which makes them quickly lax and wither. Note also that the vitamin content in the cut rocket sinks very quickly, so it should be consumed as fresh as possible. To create optimal storage conditions for the salad plant, proceed as follows:

    Remove the arugula from its packaging, if you have bought it. Remove withered and putrid leaves. Wash the salad thoroughly with cold water. Drain the rocket thoroughly. Do not use a salad spinner, as the forces in it destroy the leaf structures and spoil the leaves faster. Put the rocket loosely in a slightly damp cloth, put it in a closable container and place it in the vegetable compartment of your fridge.

The fresh alternative: grow rocket on the windowsill

Whoever wants to have fresh rocket available, even outside the open season, and does not want to constantly go to the supermarket, can easily grow the salad plant on the windowsill. So you can always cut the required amount of rocket and benefit from the full vitamin content of the fresh leaves.

    Fill pots or boxes with soil that they have mixed with some sand. Draw a chute of not more than one centimeter deep and do not sprinkle the seeds too close. Put some soil over the seeds and water them vigorously. Put the pots on a sunny windowsill. The seeds will be ready for watering after one to two weeks. The plantlets are ready for their first cut in less than a month and can be harvested several times.

If you plant several boxes continuously, you can harvest fresh rocket all year round. It is important to carefully water the plantlets to avoid accumulation of nitrate in the leaves. Rocket is very rarely fertilized.