Healthy and strong roots - What the shrews need

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
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Glossy medlars are flat-rooters

Healthy and strong roots - What the shrews need

Glossy medlars are popular and vigorous shrubs with an aesthetic leaf shoot. A healthy root system is the basis for a strong growth. For the roots to work, they need the optimal location and well thought-out care.

Biology and soil composition

Glossy medlar belong to the Flachwurzlern. They form their root system near the soil surface. The root ball is therefore broad and has numerous branches. In addition to the main roots, which serve for anchoring in the soil, glossy medlar trees form many fine roots. These fiber roots serve to absorb water and nutrients from the substrate.

Ideal is a soil with a share of sand or pearlite. This ensures good permeability, so that the water can drain well. The pH value plays a minor role. Brambles are adaptable and grow on both acidic and alkaline soils.

Dangers in the ground

The glossy medlar roots are sensitive and sensitive to excessive moisture in the soil. The substrate should always be well moist, as the wood as an evergreen plant permanently loses water and must compensate for the deficits. Waterlogging leads to the death of the fine roots. As a result, the water absorption is stopped and the leaves can die off. Water shortages also occur in winter when the ground is frozen. The damage picture often only shows up in spring. In intensive frost damage a strong pruning helps to the old wood.

Wet conditions in the substrate create a microclimate where mushrooms feel comfortable. If fungal spores have settled on the roots, the formation of rot is increased. The fine roots die off and the leaves can no longer be sufficiently supplied with water. A fungal attack on the roots manifests itself in the fact that the plant loses leaves.

Care for healthy root growth

Watch out for regular watering once the soil has dried around the shrub. Pervasive pouring is better than many moderate watering. The water cycle must not come to a standstill in winter, as the evergreen leaves constantly lose liquid and need replenishment. As soon as the roots in the frozen soil can not absorb water, it comes to drought stress.

Protective measures are: