How are gladioli set correctly?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to make your gladioli look their best
Video: How to make your gladioli look their best


The deeper the onion is set, the more hold the plant has

How are gladioli set correctly?

Only if you plant the gladiolus bulbs properly, can grow from the small tubers vigorous plants with magnificent pedicels. Also, the planting depth is important so that the shoots are not blown over at the first wind.

Plant gladioli bulbs

Since gladioli are not hardy, the onions are only placed in the ground when no night frosts are expected. The optimal planting time is about mid-May to June, in mild regions even from the end of April.

When planting, proceed as follows:

How deep is planted?

If gladioli are to flower very early, you can let the germinal point out of the ground. However, the onion can not grow so well and usually needs an additional support so as not to tip over.

The optimal planting depth is twice the onion diameter. If you do not want to forego an early flowering, you can drive the onions in the house.

The right planting distance

To make gladioli stand out, you should plant them in small groups. But do not put the onions too tight so that the gladioli have enough space to unfold. Ideal is a planting distance of 10 to 15 centimeters. This is dependent on the growth height of the gladiolus and usually noted on the plant packaging.


When buying gladiolus bulbs, make sure that they are big and firm and have not expelled yet. Since the onions have no soil available, they must consume a portion of their nutrient supply, grow poorly and often no longer bloom.