Are there different types of broom?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
ALL 22 Brooms And Broom Types - Harry Potter Explained
Video: ALL 22 Brooms And Broom Types - Harry Potter Explained


The broom is not a real broom

Are there different types of broom?

Ginster (bot. Genista) is a plant genus of the legume family. There are many different species, the exact number is unknown. In addition, you will find in the trade other plants that call themselves gorse but are not related to it.

Many species of the real gorse grow as wild form in much of Europe and the Near East. There are also numerous attractive breeding forms. You will find wild broom especially in nutrient-poor and barren areas. He is good frost tolerant. Although gorse does not produce nectar, it attracts bees and butterflies. This also contributes to its attractiveness as a garden plant.

"False" broom species:

A certain similarity with the real broom is not deny the various "spurious" species. Also in terms of location and care, the differences are not too big. As a result, you have a wide selection in the specialized trade.

Plant and care for broom

The real broom grows as a shrub or shrub and grows to a size of about half to two meters. He gets long taproots and prefers a light lean soil. Broom is very frugal and needs little water and virtually no fertilizer. This makes it one of the most easy-care ornamental plants and also grows in places that are not well suited for other shrubs.

It is best to grow your broom in a sunny spot. There he feels most comfortable and blooms most beautiful. Most broom species bloom yellow, but there are also white, pink or orange and red varieties. From the flowers develop sleeve-like fruits. Keep in mind, however, that the broom is poisonous. Incidentally, this also applies to the "fake" broom species.

The "real" broom in a nutshell:


The selection of brooms and similar plants is so great that you will surely find a pase plant for your purpose.