Are the leaves of the ginkgo edible?

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Forage & Cook GINKGO NUTS that smells like a combination of POO & VOMIT | Fruity Fruits
Video: How to Forage & Cook GINKGO NUTS that smells like a combination of POO & VOMIT | Fruity Fruits


Ginkgo leaves contain healing substances

Are the leaves of the ginkgo edible?

Ginkgo is a term for many people in the medical or pharmaceutical industry. The funds made from it are intended primarily to help the memory on the jumps. The positive-acting ingredients are also extracted from the leaves, but in isolated form.

What do ginkgo leaves look like?

The leaves of a ginkgo tree are distinctive but also very individual. As the trivial name fan-leaf tree suggests, the leaves are fan-shaped. They have long stems and sit individually on the long shoots or in clumps on the short shoots. In winter, the ginkgo is bald.

In the spring, the hardy ginkgo again sprouts fresh green leaves. Some varieties also have variegated or striped leaves. The leaves appear only after the rather inconspicuous flowers. In autumn, the foliage shines bright yellow, before it falls off again.

Is the food of the leaves harmless?

Although ginkgo is a medicinal herb, you should prevent your children from consuming the leaves in large quantities. In addition to pharmaceutically usable flavonoids they also contain other substances such as alicyclic acids, these can cause allergies in susceptible people, larger amounts even lead to symptoms of intoxication. In contrast, the seeds are often used as a spice in Asia.

What happens if excessive consumption of ginkgo leaves?

Excessive consumption may cause allergic reactions and gastrointestinal complaints. The severity of the symptoms depends on the content of the ingredients and the individual sensitivity. Therefore, the leaves are not suitable for medical self-treatment.

The ginkgo leaf in brief:


If you want to improve your memory with Ginkgo, it's best to do so with a drug from the pharmacy. The leaves also contain substances that can trigger allergies or in large quantities poisoning.