How To Care For Your Antler - Tips And Tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Things You Might Not Know About Deer Antlers
Video: 3 Things You Might Not Know About Deer Antlers


The antler fern likes to hang

How To Care For Your Antler - Tips And Tricks

Although the exotic-looking antler fern is not that easy to look after, it still has some peculiarities that you should definitely keep in mind. Then you will certainly have long pleasure in this rather unusual plant.

Next article Is the antler fern suitable for untying?

Plant the antler fern and repot

Earth does not really need the antler fern that comes from the tropics. In his homeland he grows as a so-called Aufsitzpflanze on a host. These are usually trees. There the antler fern settles up to a height of about 30 meters.

If you want to keep it as a potted plant, it is best to use orchid soil as a substrate, alternatively mix about one third of peat under normal potting soil. Then he should be repotted about every three years. However, the antler fern grows especially on wood, such as a trunk or tree bark. So that he grows well there, you should untie him.

The ideal location

Give your antler fern a light to slightly shady spot. In the blazing sun it gets easily burns. You should protect him from that. The temperature may be around 20 ° C to 24 ° C. The warmer it is, the higher the humidity should be. Dryness does not tolerate this rainforest native plant well. In winter the antler fern likes it a bit cooler.

Properly pour and fertilize

Without soil, ordinary watering is somewhat difficult to accomplish, especially when your antler fern grows on a piece of tree bark. On spraying with water, however, he reacts very sensitive. So it is best if you treat your antler fern regularly a small dip.

Dip the root ball about once a week for 20 minutes in lukewarm and lime-free water. Once a month, add a little liquid fertilizer to the submerged water. In winter you dive at longer intervals, about twice a month and without the addition of fertilizer.

The essentials in brief:


The antler fern gets a dip better than the usual watering. However, the leaves should never get wet, which harms the vital hair on it.