The first planting of the new greenhouse

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
We’re All Set Up and Ready to Plant Our NEW GREENHOUSE!
Video: We’re All Set Up and Ready to Plant Our NEW GREENHOUSE!


When planting in the greenhouse so much is to be considered

The first planting of the new greenhouse

Planting the greenhouse depends on the desired type of use. The article will show you how to successfully plant your seeds in the soil and what growlings of young plants need in terms of care. Because: The more professional the sowing, the higher the crop yield.

If everything stands up after the construction, the accessories have been given and the right amount of light, shade and warmth is taken care of, the greenhouse planting is the most beautiful task. The Soil is prepared, the seeds are taken care of and a few sacks of substrate soil are also ready.

High quality seeds for good growth

For all those who want to harvest seeds from their own plants in the future, the tip: Use seed-resistant varieties instead of hybrids for the Erstaussaat. Although hybrids have the advantage that the harvest will be plentiful in terms of quantity. However, the seed obtained from these plants also fundamentally changes the genetic engineering properties of the next generation and should therefore not be used for rearing.

Seed germination does not last forever

Therefore, it is better to ensure that the seeds used are from the last harvest as far as possible. Many manufacturers now offer plant seeds in the so-called germ protection packaging. As long as the packaging remains unopened, the contents can usually Even after several years to be used without hesitation. Some examples of germination during proper storage in the following table:

Plant greenhouse with sowing

There are certainly only a few greenhouse owners who fill their house with purchased plants. So first of all, there is the sowing, for which there are two different methods:

In both cases, your substrate at the greenhouse should not be overly wet, but just wet - not just superficially. The seed is now evenly placed on the ground and as closely as possible in the distance, as the young plants are to stand later. Older seed may be sprinkled a bit more densely, as not every seed may burst. With a wooden board, the seeds are now carefully pressed to the ground and "Samendick" covered with loose greenhouse soil. Concerning planting and other peculiarities of the different crops, in addition to safety, look at the description on the back of the seed bags.

From casting and spiking to germination

This would order the first area of ​​the greenhouse. At the end, watering is now carried out carefully, without the pouring stream being directed directly at the sowing. So that the moisture in the soil or the substrate lasts longer, the ordered area can now be covered with two- or three-ply garden fleece. After that a few days wait is announced, before it goes to the Pikieren. The right time to recognize the fact that the seed begins to work slowly but surely. In sections, different speeds and mutual narrowing. Very finely germinating seed is now removed from the bed, but shooting should also be out, so that in this work with a little gardening skill and a dose of experience should be proceeded. This creates the basis for a high-quality planting of the greenhouse, which ends as fruitfully as possible at the end of the vegetation.

Reasonable question: What plants and when does germinate what?

For a rough orientation, a small overview, which we have upgraded for you in addition to the optimal germination temperatures. When greenhouse planting it is advantageous to contact the exact temperature values.

Planting a greenhouse also means fertilizing occasionally

In the first few days, seedlings feed on their own reserves, after which it gets to the nutrients from the soil. It contains everything that the future young plant needs to grow, if properly prepared. Depending on the plant species, it is also possible to add phosphate, nitrogen and / or potassium oxide to stimulate the growth of purchased pikier or sowing soil. Nutrient deficiency when planting in the greenhouse can be recognized by a sudden slow growth and the somewhat pale-looking leaves. Preventive helps with such symptoms Add organic fertilizers. However, the donations must be timely, as the nutrients will take some time in the soil before they become available to the plant.


Watering, yes, but without the young plants big slurries occur. Keep the fresh vegetation on their above-ground parts of the plant as dry as possible at night to prevent the establishment of fungal diseases at an early stage. And finally: Stagnant and not too cold rainwater is trump the greenhouse!