How big should the vegetable patch be?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 4 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting a New Vegetable Garden
Video: 10 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting a New Vegetable Garden


It is important that all areas of the bed are easy to reach

How big should the vegetable patch be?

Small gardens set natural limits to the size of the vegetable bed, because there is still enough space left for the ornamental garden. Those who have ample space can become self-sufficient through a generous vegetable patch and harvest so much that vegetables, potatoes and herbs can be stored and preserved for the winter.

how much bed area is required?

At least twenty square meters, divided into four to eight segments, should include a vegetable patch. This allows you to mix and sow in a variety of ways, following the methods of crop rotation and mixed culture. The proceeds are then just enough to supplement the diet of a family of four. Although you will hardly reap surpluses, you do not have to worry about preserving vegetables for a long time.

If you want to be self-sufficient and store fruits and vegetables for the cold season, the vegetable patch should be at least 40 square meters per person. If you try to plant the beds as long as possible, you can place a sufficient number of plants in a row. As Beetbreite has 1.50 meters proven, the width between the individual segments should not be less than thirty centimeters. For this, you have to plan about twenty percent of the bed area.

The cultivation planning

On average, you can harvest about three kilograms in one square meter of the vegetable bed. However, the different types of vegetables are very different in their space requirements, so this statement can only be considered a rough guide to the size of the vegetable bed. In addition, this harvest quantity is only achievable if at least half of the bed is used several times, for example by planting the harvested radish bed with salads. For this a planting plan is important.

The following table shows the yields of different types of vegetables in comparison:


When planning the size of the vegetable bed, keep in mind that such a garden does a lot of work. For every ten square meters you will spend about half an hour pouring, chopping or weeding every week. What is relaxing at first can quickly turn from a nice hobby into a chore. Therefore, think carefully about how much time you actually want to invest.