White dots on the money tree are usually harmless

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
White spots / dots on Jade plants / Money plants Crassula and what causes them.
Video: White spots / dots on Jade plants / Money plants Crassula and what causes them.


White dots on the money tree leaves are no reason to panic

White dots on the money tree are usually harmless

Some plant lovers are disturbed when small white spots suddenly appear on the leaves of the money tree. This abnormality is usually harmless and can be avoided by proper care. Only rarely a pest infestation is responsible, which must be treated however immediately.

White dots: Nursing or pests?

White spots on the money tree are almost always an indication that the plant has stored too much water in the leaves. It "sweats out" this water, leaving white dots, which can be easily washed off. They do not damage the plant.

If there are small white webs on the leaves in addition to the white spots, caution is advised. In this case, it may be wool lice or mealybugs. These must be combated immediately.

The white spots are not mildew. Mildew shows up as a white or gray coating, in which individual dots are not recognizable.

Why do money trees get white dots?

The leaves of the penny tree, like all succulents, store a lot of water. If the moisture of the substrate is too high, the leaves can no longer absorb the water completely and release it over the tops of the leaves - they "sweat" it out.

The escaping moisture leaves white spots that consist of lime or salts.

Just wash off white dots

The white dots on the leaves can be easily rubbed off with a soft cloth. The plant is not damaged by any damage.

If the dots are not rubbed off and the leaves are sticky, they may be infected by wool lice. You must fight these pests immediately, because otherwise the money tree loses all leaves and finally enters.

To avoid white dots on the money tree

Most money trees are overpowered. Do not spill your money tree sparingly in summer. Although the root ball should never completely dry out, it should never be too damp.


Some types of money tree have basically white spots on the leaves. There are also varieties whose leaves have a red color when exposed to a lot of sunlight. In these cases, it is normal leaf discoloration.