Ran to the secateurs: Cut the honeysuckle

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pruning honeysuckle
Video: Pruning honeysuckle


A professional pruning of honeysuckle promotes good growth and gives it a nice shape

Ran to the secateurs: Cut the honeysuckle

In no time, the honeysuckle wound up the house facade. It takes with its numerous shoots whole walls and ensures the lack of lush green! But not always it looks formidable. Sometimes it barely grows and sheds. There can help a cut!

Previous article With which care does the honeysuckle remain healthy and cheerful? Next article Increase the honeysuckle - 3 proven methods

Auslichtungsschnitt: Summer is the best time

The goal of Auslichtens the honeysuckle is to bring more light and air to the center drive or the center drives. Among other things, this reduces the risk of diseases such as mildew. For cutting a conventional, but sharp and clean secateurs is suitable.

Generally, the honeysuckle is considered to be good cut compatible. This is how you go about cutting in summer (alternatively in spring):

Pruning: Older radical and younger ones cut gently

In the spring between January and March or in the late autumn before the first frost period is the perfect time for a stronger cut back. Such a stronger pruning is especially necessary when the honeysuckle is verkahlt. This happens, for example, in old age, but also by a too shady location.

Following such a cut, the honeysuckle repels and branches out better. Noteworthy are the following aspects:

Old wood does not always go down

Although various experts claim that the honeysuckle cuts into the old wood tolerates. Sometimes that is not the case. With bad luck following a Radikalschnitt a sparse Nachtrieb or the plant dies. The green young shoots, however, tolerate the cutting much better.

Cut off sick shoots

Even if the honeysuckle grows properly, a cut may become necessary, for example, when it is infested with disease. Diseased plant parts should be removed immediately. The honeysuckle, for example, is attacked by mildew, especially during drought in summer.

Following the cut pull cuttings

If you cut back the honeysuckle in spring or clear it in summer, you can use some shoots to multiply. It should be lightly woody shoots. The honeysuckle can thus easily reproduce (cuttings propagation). The lower leaves are taken away and the cuttings are placed in a pot with potting soil.

Tips & Tricks

Be sure to perform the cut cleanly. Otherwise, there is an increased risk that fungal diseases settle.