Creating a garden pond: methods, planning and implementation

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Landscape Design - Site Planning - Part 1
Video: Landscape Design - Site Planning - Part 1


There are different materials for the garden pond

Creating a garden pond: methods, planning and implementation

Especially on smaller plots it is not easy to create a garden pond. Sometimes the place is too sunny or too hilly, also the foliage of the trees wants to be considered in the ornamental pond. And safety plays a role before you choose one of the five pond types.

Often the inspiration begins with the discovery of a puddle somewhere in nature, which over many years has been covered with wild water lilies, surrounded by summer flowers, and on whose banks there may even be a rustic wooden bench it can take a breather. The idea of ​​creating a similarly idyllic spot on your own property would be born and take its course. Even if this tranquil little pond in the wild was not planned at all, but simply emerged by itself: Who wants to bring his dream pond into their own garden, on the other hand, has a lot in advance to organize.

Where do I start with garden pond construction?

In addition to many detailed questions that relate to construction technology and the equipment of a garden pond, some basic considerations are first necessary, such as:

Build the planning at the garden pond itself

So a whole range of factors must fit together, which in addition to the optimal location of the new ornamental pond also its Size and desired shape include. Finally, the new oasis should become a resting place in the garden and it is far from enough to simply shovel at any vacant spot, because not every place is suitable to build his ornamental pond.

The pase terrain for garden pond construction

The location search is not particularly easy, especially on smaller plots of land. The unsuitable areas primarily include particularly pronounced slopes as well as the garden areas with high numbers of coniferous and deciduous trees. Experience has shown that the ideal location is within a lawn and borders immediately, but not too dense, on shrubs and shrubs. Also important for the subsequent accessibility in pending care measures would be a comfortably walkable on all sides of the zone for the choice of place of ornamental pond to be applied.

About light, shade and meaning of the trees

Older and already very large trees can complicate the excavation work required with their strongly grown root system. And if not now, maybe in a few months or years, when roots begin to grow into the pond liner, causing leaks. In addition, that may be in the fall falling leaves pollute the bottom of the pond, Form foul gases in the water and negatively affect the nutrient content of the water. No less important are the lighting conditions, which have to be carefully tested during the construction, as they affect the growth of the pond. To avoid too much shade as possible, otherwise the water lilies will have a hard time to bloom. The ideal pond location is exactly where:

A balanced ratio of light and shade directly benefits the water quality, because the more the pond warms, the lower the oxygen concentration, which in turn promotes algae growth and enormously increases the risk of tipping.

Create a garden pond: level or with a slope?

From a purely optical point of view, a self-made ornamental pond with its small hills and slopes naturally has its own special charm, although it makes it a bit more complicated during construction, but is still feasible. Layered, wedge-shaped stone material then provides the appropriate balance and can be afterwards covered with soil or even better, plant. If enough space is available on the property, could even in this constellation several small ponds created with different height levels, which can be particularly sexy connect with each other.

Zierteich build: in the middle or rather at the fence

Starting decentralized with garden pond construction is in most cases the right solution. In the middle of the property, the future garden development is often blocked and a little off the site usually looks much more aesthetic and quiet, as in the geographical center of the property. Nevertheless, do not forget that later structural changes are hardly possible, as a decorative pond can not be so easily moved. On the safe side is who denies his construction project before with the immediate neighbors. It could eventually be that on the property next door larger trees are planted, which may limit the sunlight on the future pond extremely.

The safety of the garden pond plant

Even if it's proven to be your property, which under normal circumstances nobody has to look for something that does not belong there, counts a fence purely legal to the most important criteria when planning your new oasis of peace. Legislators call this requirement to a property owner, who is obliged to make reasonable arrangements to prevent an accident. If there is a proper fencing, your previously taken out liability insurance in case of damage occurs. The protective measures must be somewhat more extensive if you have children. They are attracted to the water almost magically, so that the risk of drowning even in shallow water is enormously high. Therefore, consider creating at the garden pond:

Which pond construction suits the environment best?

Which construction method is chosen depends not only on the needs and desires, but results to a considerable extent from one's own abilities. You will not be able to avoid a proper lining of the pond profile after excavation, possibly with a dense loam or clay soil, and this will not be done in a few hours. Also, the cost, even if everything is built in own contribution, may under no circumstances be underestimated. But let's first look at the most common pond types in a short comparison.

The shaping of the garden pond construction

Since an ornamental pond is mostly built in accordance with nature, there is hardly anyone who will put a uniformly round or even quadrangular structure in his garden. In nature, nothing grows straight, so pond builders can let their creativity run wild. The more curvy, the more beautiful and special at the end one is often amazed at how harmonious with such asymmetric garden pond at once the entire property area acts. A pretty straightforward way of doing things in planning, you need:

A family member first lays out the rough contours of the planned overall outline on the intended area with a possible colored garden hose. The next changes the location of the floor plan according to his wishes, etc. This game is over when all participants agree at the end with the final solution. Then let it just work for a few hours, and if the family is still completely thrilled, take a few photos of your future Tiefbaugeländes. Nevertheless, the following recommendations should be considered for final decision making:


A finished building with plants looks visually always much smaller than it was felt in the planning. Therefore, really use every free square meter, because the experience actually shows that a garden pond can not be big enough. By the way, small ornamental oaks do a lot more work than the big ones, because the plants have to be cut back much more often.