Not just a feast for the eyes - goose cress is edible

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
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Not just a feast for the eyes - goose cress is edible

Like feathery clouds, the delicate flowers seem to float above the slender stems. Depending on the variety, they can vary in color between white and red. That few are edible ...

Next article The goose cress: care on a low flame

How does the goose cress taste?

The goose cress belongs to the plant family of cruciferous vegetables. She is like her kindred in taste - fresh, spicy and slightly spicy. As her name suggests, she tastes kresseartig, which is not everyone's taste. Some people also remind you of rocket. Therefore, you should first test whether you like them too, if you intend to harvest larger quantities for later eating.

Collect flowers at flowering time

Most popular are the flowers of goose cress. They do not look beautiful high above the stems, but also on prepared dishes. You can pick the flowers (preferably the entire inflorescences) at the flowering time between April and May.

Flowers: Decorative and delicious

The flowers are usually white to red colored, depending on the species and variety. With their graceful appearance and their color, they look extremely decorative, for example when they are placed or put on prepared food.

In addition, the flowers of the goose cress can also enhance the flavor of food. They give them a sharp-sweet note. Among others, they are suitable for:

The leaves are also edible

In addition to the flowers, the small, green leaves of the goose cress are edible. They are rich in vitamin C and some of their ingredients are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. You should harvest the leaves before the onset of flowering. Salads can be wonderfully seasoned with them.

However, do not overdo the eating of the leaves, but use the leaves sparingly! Little is known about how high levels of consumption of geese cress, which is extremely easy to care for, affect the body.


Although the leaves and flowers are delicious and edible for us. Snails prefer to stay away from the winter-hard goose cress.