How to multiply a funkie - for hobby gardeners

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Enchanting Tiny House & Gardens On Generational Family Farm
Video: Enchanting Tiny House & Gardens On Generational Family Farm


The Funkie can be e.g. proliferate over division

How to multiply a funkie - for hobby gardeners

Hosta - this former forest shrub surprises with its large, depending on the variety green, blue, yellow or white variegated foliage. Also, the flowers are not to be despised. One quickly finds pleasure in her and thinks about the multiplication after ...

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Share the rhizomes in spring or autumn

The most proven is sharing the Funkie. This is fast and is the least expensive. Moreover, it has the positive side effect that the mother plant is rejuvenated. Sharing should be tackled either in the spring before budding or in autumn when the plant is at rest.

This is how you proceed correctly:

Sowing - win new varieties

The sowing of the seeds of the Funkie is rather something for experimenting gardeners. It takes longer than the division of the rootstock and the offspring often have different characteristics than the mother plant.

First, the seeds must be harvested. After the flowering time is over in July, the seed levels are formed. The seeds are ripe when the casings are brown and slowly burst. Then the dark, winged and triangular shaped seeds can be collected. It is recommended to start germinating immediately.

Here is the exact procedure for sowing:

Intervene in increasing - not necessarily

It will not necessarily be necessary to intervene to turn hosta into hostas. Funchioses like to multiply by themselves when they are in a good location. Remember to protect the young plants in the first winter.


The sharing of the Funkie is recommended every 4 to 5 years to keep the mother plant in a good mood.