Why does the frangipani lose its leaves?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
PLUMERIA Plant Care: Leaves turning YELLOW and FALLING OFF Tips / Growing Frangipani Hawaii Garden
Video: PLUMERIA Plant Care: Leaves turning YELLOW and FALLING OFF Tips / Growing Frangipani Hawaii Garden


If the Plumeria loses its leaves, often care mistakes are the reason

Why does the frangipani lose its leaves?

If the frangipani or plumeria suddenly throws off all leaves in the fall, this is a natural process. If he loses his leaves in spring or summer, you have probably made a mistake in the care.

That is why the frangipani loses its leaves in autumn

From August the Frangipani rings in his rest. They recognize this by dropping all or almost all leaves. That is not a cause for concern, but quite normal.

The leaves will be reissuing next spring.

Something else is when the plant loses its leaves earlier. Then she stands in an unfavorable place or is cared for wrongly.

Falling leaves due to wrong location

Frangipani comes from tropical regions and is used to a lot of light and warmth there. He can not stand too low temperatures. It should never be cooler than 15 degrees at the Plumeria site.

Also, Frangipani does not like it if you change it too often. Find a location where he can stay for a long time.

Pour frangipani properly

The right casting plays a special role in Frangipani. Due to the large leaves Plumeria evaporates a lot of water and must therefore be poured frequently. However, you must avoid waterlogging, as it is responsible for premature leaf shedding and many diseases. Short-term dry phases survive the plant but once before.

The leaves of the frangipani deform

When the leaves of Plumeria deform, there is usually a care mistake. Often it comes to deformed leaves, because the plant suffers from stress. Maybe you repotted them too soon. You only have to repot frangipani every three to five years and only when the old pot is completely rooted.

Sometimes the change of the leaves is also due to wrong casting. Here, especially waterlogging is a problem.


Frangipani is easy to grow from cuttings. Seeds from seeds take a long time to flower first. In contrast, plants grown from cuttings often bloom in the first year.