Multiply forsythia - Tips for Propagation

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Forsythia can be well propagated through cuttings

Multiply forsythia - Tips for Propagation

Once you have a forsythia in the garden, you do not have to worry about offshoots. It is very easy to multiply forsythia and it also succeeds novice gardeners without problems. So you can create beautiful forsythia hedges that dip the garden in a yellow sea of ​​flowers.

Forsythia are largely resistant to disease Next article Forsythia is one of the mildly poisonous ornamental shrubs

The different possibilities of propagation

Forsythia can be increased in three ways. However, sowing is more of a theoretical option that is not used in practice.

Forsythia multiply by cuttings

The propagation of forsythia by cuttings is the easiest way to grow new shrubs.

In July and August, cut half-ripe cuttings of 10 to 15 centimeters from the plant. The lower part should be slightly woody.

Remove buds, flowers and the lower leaves and insert the shoot to the desired location in garden soil. Within a few weeks, the first roots form.

Pull cuttings in the house

If it is not warm enough outside, you can also pull the cuttings in pots with potting soil.

Place the vessels in a warm, sunny place. To keep the soil evenly moist, wrap the cling wrap around the cutting. You must ventilate this cover once a day so that the soil and the cuttings do not become moldy.

The following spring, you can plant the small forsythia on the spot.

Win offsets by lowering

Since forsythia is so easily rooted, lowering is a very popular form of augmentation. Pull a small groove in the ground next to the shrub.

Choose a flexible shoot from the previous year and scratch it in several places with the knife. Gently bend it down and place it in the groove.

Fix the shoot with stones or tent pegs and cover it with soil so that the tip remains free. It is tied upright to a plant rod so that the new shrub grows straight up. The offshoots are separated and planted next spring.

Gain forsythia from seeds

The forsythia planted in this country are hybrids, which almost never produce seeds, because the flowers are dry. The shrubs are therefore not fertilized by bees or other insects.

Even if in few exceptional cases fertilized seeds have formed, sowing is not recommended to increase the plant.

By no means will you get a single-variety new plant. The offshoots usually have very different properties than the Forsythiensorte that you want to multiply.

Tips & Tricks

If you place forsythia twigs in a glass of water, it may happen that the shoots below form new roots. Plant them in a pot with potting soil. In most cases, the multiplication works so well.