Build yourself or buy foil greenhouse?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Günstiges Foliengewächshaus selber bauen mit Anleitung I Cheap foil greenhouse build yourself
Video: Günstiges Foliengewächshaus selber bauen mit Anleitung I Cheap foil greenhouse build yourself


In the construction of the substructure, the imagination knows no bounds

Build yourself or buy foil greenhouse?

Whether as a shallow tunnel or a walk-up foil greenhouse, building yourself is fun, is a cost-effective way to pull young plants and succeed even inexperienced home improvement. Depending on the size, only a few hours are needed to prepare the garden floor and to set it up.

Since prefabricated greenhouses are quite expensive in trade, many artisanal allotment gardeners often wonder whether building foil greenhouse itself would not also be a variant to pull the own seedlings in the spring weeks. Self-designed foil constructions also offer a wealth of personal design freedom, and special structural-technical characteristics generally do not have to be taken into account in such a small greenhouse.

Easy to set up and cheap in price

In contrast to glass-covered greenhouses, foundations can be completely dispensed with in a foil greenhouse. Simple variants, which can also be walked on, can be inexpensive and similar to a tunnel build up. And a wood or metal frame as a foil-carrying framework is also built in a few hours. If higher quality and a longer life are desired, better quality materials are used, especially as far as the cover foil for roof and walls is concerned.

Foil greenhouse as a kit from the trade

If you can not or do not want to build a foil greenhouse yourself, you will find prefabricated kits in many sizes, but also qualities, in the relevant garden shop. The attached assembly instructions make it usually very easy for recreational gardeners to assemble the individual parts properly within a reasonable time. The decisive disadvantage: Finished small greenhouses are sometimes outrageously expensive and those who order online must additionally count on not inconsiderable transport costs.

Preparation of the garden area

To build your foil greenhouse yourself has the not insignificant advantage that you can plan the size in the area and the height (important for working upright as possible!) Optimally according to your own ideas and adjust the space in the garden individually. As a footprint, it is best to choose a semi-shaded area where you know that the garden soil is suitable for the planned planting. Particularly important: The soil surface should be as level as possible, This does not have only optical reasons (in nature, after all, not everything is straight!), But should help that later formed in the interior of the self-built foil greenhouse no large accumulations of water from the last driving rain.

Build tools to the foil greenhouse itself

In preparation of the area for building up the foil greenhouse, you should at least prepare a simple construction plan, after which the area is measured and straightened. According to the intended cultures, the intended area can then exactly staked out and marked with slats become. Thus, a more accurate picture emerges, as the planned construction of the foil greenhouse harmonizes later with the rest of the garden landscape.

Measuring and marking tools for construction preparation

Depending on the size and working height of the film green house:


For self-fabricators of foil greenhouses, the specialized trade offers a wide range of stable connection systems for plugging and screwing, which offer the required stability to the self-made construction. After all, the new plant house should also be able to withstand adverse weather conditions and protect your valuable plants.