Blooming screen - plant lilac as a hedge

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Planting Lilacs as a hedge || Living green Country Fences || Menginvestasikan energi untuk bumi
Video: Planting Lilacs as a hedge || Living green Country Fences || Menginvestasikan energi untuk bumi


Lilac is ideal as a hedge plant

Blooming screen - plant lilac as a hedge

Lilac (Syringa) with its numerous species and varieties can be used in various ways: As a shrub or tree makes the flowering wood both as a solitary, in a mixed group plants and as a hedge a good figure. So that your lilac hedge grows quickly to a healthy visual protection, you should give the plants a good location, a breezy distance from each other and a proper care.

Location and ground

Plant your desired hawthorn best in a full sun or partial shade, where the bushes have at least four hours of sun a day. The darker the place, the less blooms the lilac forms - but in return often gets more leaf mass. Yellow leaves and / or poor growth, on the other hand, are often an indication of a too dark location. The soil is ideally loose, permeable and sandy. Heavy clay soils do not like lilac.

planting time

So that the plants can root themselves well at their new location, you should plant them in autumn if possible. The month of September is ideal for setting the lilac hedge, when the air and soil are still warm. Alternatively, a planting in spring is possible, but then you should protect the plants against any late frosts - otherwise the first shoots freeze easily. On the other hand, you can plant roots-dead lilacs in winter - preferably between December and the beginning of April.

planting distance

Of course, the tighter hedge becomes denser the closer you set the individual plants. However, the shrub spreads its roots, which are shallow under the soil, very broadly, so that after a few years a strong root pressure can build up. In general, it is recommended to place between three and four Syringa vulgaris varieties per running meter. These should again have a minimum distance of one meter to walls, fences, etc. So that the individual hedge plants stand airier, you can also plant them offset instead of in a straight row.

Nice combination possibilities

Even pure lilac hedges are a beautiful eye-catcher especially in the flowering time, whereby you can put them together from a single or from different varieties. On the other hand, it will be more colorful if you combine the lilac with other flowering shrubs that either flower at the same time or open their flowers when the lilac has already withered. Well suited are for example:


Hedges between 01.03. and the 30.09. not cut one year. However, you can carefully clean the lilac by hand after flowering.