Detect and treat illnesses on hard-working Lieschen

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
FPMRS Fellows Webinar, May 1: Pelvic Floor Ultrasonography
Video: FPMRS Fellows Webinar, May 1: Pelvic Floor Ultrasonography


Too much moisture can cause the industrious Lieschen ill

Detect and treat illnesses on hard-working Lieschen

The industrious Lieschen is under the right conditions a relatively frugal plant with a very long flowering period. However, various factors can lead to weak growth, a low number of flowers or even the total loss of plants.

Recognize illnesses in hard-working Lieschen and treat it properly

In principle, industrious Lieschen are no longer affected by disease in comparison to other popular balcony plants. However, there are two diseases in which the plants are usually beyond saving: the turnip disease and the downy mildew. In the turnip disease (a fungal disease) at the stem base first dark and constricted areas visible, shortly after the plants die after the buckling. It is essential to change the substrate before planting new hardwood licks. The downy mildew usually occurs after cool rain phases on the underside of the leaves and can spread quickly. Affected plants should be removed as soon as possible and removed in a closed plastic bag.

Often, disease-like symptoms result from care and location errors

The most common deficiency symptoms do not go back to disease, but to incorrect conditions of location and care.Different reasons can be decisive for this:

Full sunny locations are as badly tolerated by hardworking Lieschen as are extremely dark corners in the garden or on the balcony. Inadequate light often results in elongated stems with only a few leaves. When pouring should be used as low as possible lime water. With a drainage layer of fine gravel in the pots and window boxes you can ensure optimal waterlogging prevention at the roots of the industrious Lieschen. This can sometimes lead to the death of all plants.

Pests on Hardy Lieschen

In gardens with a snail problem, hard-working Lieschen can become the target of slimy pests. This problem does not exist if you cultivate the industrious Lieschen hanging in a flower traffic light. Other possible pests on Hardy Lieschen are:

Mostly, however, the infestation with these pests is limited so far that usually does not have to resort to the chemical club.


So that your industrious Lieschen not susceptible to the downy mildew, you should pay attention to the correct casting behavior. Do not spray the plants, but water as close to the ground as possible. In addition, watering in the morning is preferable to evening watering because wet parts of the plant can then dry throughout the day.