Diligent Lieschen as a miracle of flowers - poisonous or not?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Diligent Lieschen as a miracle of flowers - poisonous or not? - Garden
Diligent Lieschen as a miracle of flowers - poisonous or not? - Garden


The industrious Lieschen is completely non-toxic

Diligent Lieschen as a miracle of flowers - poisonous or not?

As industrious Lieschen or as Edellieschen the plant species Impatiens walleriana is called in this country, since this flowers particularly enduringly. Since the attractive balcony and garden flowers sometimes animate for picking the flowers and the springing seed pods to touch, the question of any potential danger in relation to children and pets is quite justified.

The diligent Lieschen in the house and garden

Due to its uncomplicated location needs, the hardworking Lieschen can basically be planted at the following locations:

Often, this plant is preferred in the house of seeds or propagated by cuttings. Some hobby gardeners do not buy the plants every year, but overwinter the enduring hard-working Lieschen in the house. None of the places listed represents a risk to children because the plants are non-toxic to humans and therefore harmless.

Hard-working Lieschen and pets

Occasionally, pets are warned about the industrious Lieschen and a toxic effect on cats and dogs. This can not be proved toxicologically. Excessive consumption by cats can cause at most gastroenteritis.


So that curious apartment cats do not fall on their diligent Lieschen on the window sill, you can offer an attractive alternative with a pot full of cat grass or plant the hard-working Lieschen in a hanging from the ceiling hoppers on the balcony.