Tips for caring for carnivorous plants (carnivores)

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Caring for Carnivorous Plants — Plant One On Me — Ep 070
Video: Caring for Carnivorous Plants — Plant One On Me — Ep 070


The care of carnivorous plants varies according to the species

Tips for caring for carnivorous plants (carnivores)

As intriguing as the breeding and keeping of carnivorous plants, also called carnivores, is - for absolute beginner gardeners, these plants are not suitable. Some experience, time and, above all, a suitable location are required to ensure the proper care of these sometimes very exotic species.

Previous article Representative species of carnivorous plants Next article Meat-eating plants you do not have to feed!

Do all carnivorous plants need the same care?

The species differ in part in their claims to care. If you are not sure, you should find out how to properly care for the species you hold.

Do carnivores have to be fed?

The feeding of carnivorous plants is not necessary, it is even more harmful. Carnivores get along with little nutrients that they already obtain from the plant substrate. In addition, the insects that are found in the house, catching the plants themselves, are completely sufficient.

If you still want to feed, enter:

Is it necessary to fertilize meat-eating plants?

Since sufficient nutrients are present in the plant substrate, fertilization is not necessary. Although it is often advised to give occasionally diluted orchid fertilizer, but this is superfluous.

How are carnivores cast?

The plant substrate should never completely dry out. Place the pots with the meat-eating plants in coasters that you fill with water in the damming process.

If possible never water carnivores directly from above, but always from below.

Can you water with normal tap water?

Normal tap water contains a lot of lime. Lime can not tolerate carnivores at all. Therefore, if possible, only pour rainwater.

If you do not have rainwater, you can substitute still mineral water.

Distilled water is often recommended as a substitute. However, you should only give this water in an emergency. It contains no minerals that the plants need for growth.

Do you need to increase the humidity?

With the Fettkraut normal air humidity is usually sufficient. For all other species, the humidity should be at least 60 to 80 percent. By setting up water bowls, especially in winter, you can increase the moisture content of the air. Regular spraying of the plants with rainwater is helpful.

But make sure that due to the high humidity no mold forms in the room or on the plants.

Ventilate regularly, but bear in mind that carnivores do not tolerate drafts.

Do carnivorous plants need to be cut?

You do not even have to cut carnivorous plants. However, it may be useful if you cut inflorescences in some species such as the Venus flytrap equal. Otherwise the plants have to put too much force into the flower. This force is lacking for the development of safety gears.

You should also cut out sick and rotten leaves.

When is repotting necessary?

Although most species do not grow so rapidly, it is recommended to replant carnivorous plants every year. The best time for this is the early spring. The plants need a larger pot only if they protrude above the pot edge or the roots have spread throughout the pot.

When transplanting, change the plant substrate as completely as possible. Carnivorous soil decomposes very fast. By repotting, you also provide sufficient nutrients available.

Many carnivores can multiply by sharing. If you repot the plants anyway, it makes sense to provide the same for the multiplication.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Diseases are not common. Almost always care mistakes are responsible, if the plants do not thrive or even go down. This is especially true for waterlogging. Even if carnivores like to have it wet, the water must be able to drain away. When waterlogged roots and above-ground parts can rot.

Often when the fishing gear is dehydrated or rotten, it is often because the plants have been fed incorrectly. Also, the liquid present in the traps must never be spilled.

Pests such as aphids and spider mites occasionally occur. They should be collected as well as possible. The rinsing of the affected parts of plants is usually not useful. When keeping valuable species you should use a special pesticide.

How are carnivorous plants properly wintered?

Some species of the sundew are hardy. However, most types of carnivorous plants tolerate no frost. They have to be wintered in the house. Only if you have a very well-protected place in the moor-bed you can try to overwinter some carnivores outside.

In winter, most carnivorous plants require lower temperatures and less moisture. Often it is sufficient to provide the plants only once a month with a little moisture. However, the substrate should never dry out completely.


Most carnivores prefer bright, even sunny locations. Drafts tolerate the least of the representative species. The summer may be spent in a sheltered place on the terrace.