Cutting Rock Pear - tutorial for a pristine cut

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gem Cutting Tutorial - Secret of the Emerald Cut
Video: Gem Cutting Tutorial - Secret of the Emerald Cut


An Auslichtungsschnitt promotes Verkahlung and promotes flower wealth

Cutting Rock Pear - tutorial for a pristine cut

White flower fairy tales in April, black-blue, edible berries in late summer and bright foliage color in autumn make the rock pear a jewel for the home garden. Creative gardeners appreciate the cut tolerance of an Amelanchier. The individual cut gives the ornamental and fruit trees completely different manifestations. This tutorial will familiarize you with the right cut for a long lasting conservation as a shrub or small tree.

Recommended cuts and dates

The cut-technical malleability of a rock pear inspires imaginative home gardeners varied forms of education, Alternatively, the flowering fruit tree grows as a shrub or tree in the garden and adapts flexibly to the available space capacities. Practically proven types of cutting with notes on the advantageous date summarizes the following table:

Anneal the pear bush every year

In terms of the longevity of blossom wood, pear trees are ahead. In contrast to classic spring flowering plants, such as forsythia or weigelias, the clumps of old trees carry a sea of ​​white star-shaped blossoms. This reduces the cut care to one annual excursion cutso that the shrub flooded with light flourishes and carries a dense foliage dress deep into the center. You can choose the cutting circumference yourself. Optionally, you can completely remove individual floor drives or you only slim down heavily branched tips. How To Cut A Rock Pear Shrub Correctly:

The picture below illustrates the cut on the older rock pear shrub. In the first 6 to 10 years, the Auslichtung is unnecessary, because over this period, a ground shoot remains flowering. The most magnificent flower abundance bears a rock pear on the two-, three- and four-year shoots. On older scaffold shoots, the flowers are still worth seeing, until it gradually decreases and makes the first Auslichtungsschnitt makes sense.

Every year in February, shoot the two oldest ground shoots. If strongly branched shoot tips tilt to the ground, slimming provides relief. Guide these scaffold drives to a further outward-pointing side drive.

Correctly correct height growth - this is how the derivation cut succeeds

Home gardeners are often tempted to control the height growth of a rock pear by shortening the shoots at any point. This has the consequence that below the intersections, a strong budding takes place. Over the years, thick, massively branched broom heads develop at the shoot tips that pull the entire branch to the ground. The formerly slender, tightly erect flowering shrub falls apart. Instead of quarreling with the unnatural appearance, you should use your pear bulb with a skillful derivation cut in height and optics correct. This is how the plan succeeds:

A positive side effect of a local rejuvenation and slimming is an expert height control, without creating an ugly gap in the bush. A cut in February has the further advantage that you the swelling flower buds can recognize in order to those places not to cut.


Responsible gardeners cut before 1 March

Traditionally, early flowering shrubs are cut when needed after flowering. This does not apply to the profound Auslichtungsschnitt a rock pear. If the furious blossom show comes to an end in May, the breeding season of our birds has already begun. In the garden close to nature, prudent gardeners are now restoring scissors and saw to avoid distracting their feathered friends from starting a family. The Federal Nature Conservation Act lays emphasis on this requirement by restricting extensive woodcutting to the period from October 1 to February 28.

Educate rock pear to the small tree

Those who patience will enjoy the rock pear in later years as multi-stemmed small tree, without previous drawing education. Given a slow growth rate of 20 to 25 centimeters per year, this process can take a long time. You can do it faster by professionally raising a young shrub into a tree. With this cut you succeed:

To initiate the branch to the crown, please wait until the Central shoot tip at least 4 buds above the desired one of crown located. Underneath the interface are the leaders that act as the backbone of the crown. Please note that stem height growth is almost complete when the top buds are no longer present.


Central drive caps at the right time - you should pay attention

In the plant kingdom rules the rule of the top promotion, which gives the gardener security with the education cut of a rock pear. A center drive continues to grow uninterrupted as long as it has its tip bud. Because it's the quickest direction of sunlight at this point, the rock pear pumps most of its nutrients there. Lower down buds have the disadvantage. Only when you cut off the tip of the center drive does the branching to the crown begin, because the juice pressure is now more evenly distributed. Therefore, please carefully consider when you cut off the topmost stem bud. At least 4 buds, respectively 20 to 30 centimeters, should be between the tip bud and the desired crown base when the scissors are used.

Rejuvenate old-growth shrub or tree

Without a Auslichtungsschnitt the Felsenbirne transforms into a dense, verkahlendes network of overgrown, rotten rotten branches. Since the massively thickened shoots shade each other, leaves, flowers and fruits are in short supply in the woods. A rigorous rejuvenation cut turns back time and paves the way for rebuilding your rock pear. How to do it right:

As illustrated below, a successful rejuvenation is the combination of exfoliation and pruning by derivation. The subsequent budding provides an excellent base for rebuilding your bulbous pear.

frequently asked Questions

I read in a forum for hobby gardeners that the berries of a rock pear are slightly poisonous. Is that correct?

The berries of a rock pear are definite not poisonous, Rather, you can not only prepare the black-blue fruits to fruity jam or refreshing compote, but also freshly nibble from the bush. Among experts, the berries of the variety Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) even act as superfood due to a high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Only the seeds should not be chewed and swallowed as they contain glycosides, which can cause nausea in large quantities. Unsweetened, the seeds pass through the stomach and intestines without causing discomfort, similar to apple cores.

Does the real rock pear thrive as a shrub or tree?

A real rock pear (Amelanchier rotundifolia ssyn. Amelanchier ovalis) is a multi-stemmed shrub. Within the genus Felsenbirne this is the only native species and accordingly robust and hardy. Over the years, the blossom and fruit trees reach a height of 300 cm with slightly overhanging branches. The popular copper pear (Amelanchier lamarckii) stretches 600 centimeters towards the sky and becomes as wide. Over time, the large shrub thrives as a multi-stemmed, small tree. Refined varieties such as Amelanchier Princess Diana are available in tree nurseries as shrub or ready-to-grow high stem. By nature, as a multi-stemmed tree thrives the non-native tree-pear Amelanchier arborea, which is native to North America and a stature height of 6 to 8 meters.

Is the rock pear self-fertile or are more specimens needed for the shrub to bear fruit?

All species and varieties of the rock pear thrive as self-fruiting fruit trees. As a solitary the bush brings you numerous black-blue berries in autumn. By locating a second variety in close proximity, the yield can be significantly increased.

The 3 most common cut defects

A blunt, flowery pear with broom-like shoot tips is the result of typical misunderstandings in the cut care. The following table lists the three most common cutting errors, indicates characteristic damage patterns and gives tips for prevention:


If a first pear adorns the garden, there is no need to purchase additional young shrubs. Cuttings cut in early summer rooted within a few weeks in the potting pot or partially shaded, protected Vermehrungsbeet. Just in time for the best planting time in autumn, the offshoots have been transformed into vital pear trees, which you can plant at the intended location.