Rapunzel in the vegetable compartment: properly store lamb's lettuce

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Rapunzel in the vegetable compartment: properly store lamb's lettuce - Garden
Rapunzel in the vegetable compartment: properly store lamb's lettuce - Garden


Corn salad can be kept well cleaned for several days

Rapunzel in the vegetable compartment: properly store lamb's lettuce

Corn salad is a sturdy plant that can stay on the bed even when it's freezing. Once harvested, however, it should soon be consumed. The following tips will keep the lamb's lettuce fresh and crisp for three to four days.

Worth knowing about lamb's lettuce

Valerianella is the official name of our lamb's lettuce. Many of them are known by the fairytale name Rapunzel. Its nutty flavor has earned it the name Nüssli salad in Switzerland; In other regions, for example, he has names such as Mäusöhrchen or Vogerlerlat. This variety of names testifies to the wide distribution and popularity of lamb's lettuce.
Corn salad is the ideal winter salad: it grows only at temperatures below 20 ° C, tolerates frost to -15 ° C and thus has the entire winter season. Between October and March you will find local lamb's lettuce in the supermarkets. Of course, even fresher is the lamb's lettuce from your own garden, which you sow for the wintry harvest in September. The bed must be abundantly watered and kept free of weeds, but otherwise the lamb's lettuce is extremely undemanding.

Keep lamb's lettuce in the fridge

Ideally, eat your lamb's lettuce right after the purchase or harvest. This is how its fresh and nutty taste comes into its own. However, if this is not possible, you can store it in the fridge for a few days as follows:

    Remove lax and rotten leaves from the salad plant. The roots, however, leave you untouched, as they help the lettuce to preserve its freshness. Moisten a kitchen towel or paper towel and squeeze out excess water thoroughly. The cloth should be moist but not wet. Place the lamb's lettuce on the prepared kitchen towel and beat it into it. The salad should be completely enveloped by the cloth. Put the resulting package in the vegetable compartment of your refrigerator.It should have plenty of room so that the salad is not squeezed by other vegetables. Consume the corn salad after four days at the latest. The sooner you eat it, the crispier and more aromatic the salad tastes.

Corn salad should not be left in plastic retail packaging and should not be stored airtight as it tends to become foul.