Effectively combat fig tree pests

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Danger! watch this before your fig tree dies! Dangerous Pests for your fig tree.
Video: Danger! watch this before your fig tree dies! Dangerous Pests for your fig tree.


Effectively combat fig tree pests

If the fig feels comfortable in its location, it is rarely attacked by pests and proves to be extremely robust. In the case of potted plants, the most effective prevention is to spend the plant in the field after the first frosts. In the fall, do not move the plant to winter storage until temperatures drop below zero.

The most common fig tree pests:

The fig leaf moth

The small fig leaf moth was sighted for the first time at the Kaiserstuhl in 2019 and has been found on many fig trees in recent years. The yellow-black spotted caterpillars feed on the leaves of the fig and cause feeding damage on the top of individual leaf lobes. For protection and pupation, the larva rolls in the leaf margins of the fig and protects it with a web of silk threads. In addition to feeding spots, insect pests cause curvatures and discoloration of the foliage.

Effective means

With smaller trees you can collect the butterfly caterpillars and dolls and destroy them. The specialized trade leads suitable spraying means with which you can effectively combat the caterpillars on larger trees.

spider mites

Spider mites are a common problem in dry summers or in dry winter air. The small arachnids often occur invasion-like and dull the fig massive. The buds of the leaves are particularly favored by fine white webs, in which you can see the tiny mites. The animals feed on the leaf juices, so that the leaf is inhibited in its growth. Frequently, the affected fig throws off many leaves.


The mites die at high humidity. Over small fig trees you can put on a transparent plastic bag for some days, through which an artificial greenhouse climate is created. In mild cases, this gentle remedy is sufficient in many cases. To prevent massive damage to larger figs, you should treat them with a suitable insecticide.

Scale insects

Scale lice often occur during warm hibernation or over-fertilization. The small yellow, white or brownish animals are protected by a stable chitin shell and suck the leaf juices from the branches and leaves of the fig. They excrete honeydew, on which the plant can also settle harmful fungi.


Isolate the fig from other plants and collect the pests thoroughly. Increase the humidity by spraying the fig regularly. Spray the plant several times with a spirit soap solution. Alternatively, you can use phytosanitary rods or a suitable insecticide.

Tips & Tricks

Alcohol soft soap solution is a cheap and environmentally friendly spray that can effectively fight many insect pests. Mix one tablespoon of liquid soft soap with one tablespoon of spirit and pour the mixture into a spray bottle filled with one liter of water. Spray all parts of the plant thoroughly every few days.