How do I properly take care of a plume?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
How To Grow, Care and Harvesting Plum Trees in Backyard - growing fruits
Video: How To Grow, Care and Harvesting Plum Trees in Backyard - growing fruits


The care of the exotic spring bush is easier than one would expect

How do I properly take care of a plume?

At first glance, we suspect behind the fragrant, exotic-looking inflorescences a sophisticated plant. In fact, the plumage is friendly to us and rarely requires gardening attention. Do you still have questions about the care of Celosia in your head? Then read a tried-and-tested answer here.

When and how is the plume poured?

The plume loves a slightly moist substrate, which dries in the meantime. Do not water the plant until you have identified a dry surface with a thumb sample. In the early morning or in the evening, let the lime-free water slowly run on the root disk until no more moisture is absorbed. In the pot on the balcony, this can be seen when the coaster is filled with water.

Should I fertilize my Celosia?

Freshly potted in pre-fertilized substrate, nutrient supplies are available to your plume for 6 weeks and longer. If these are consumed, give in the pot and balcony box every 2 to 3 weeks a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants. In the bed, the summer flowers are content with a portion of compost and horn shavings every 4 weeks.

Does a plume have to be cut?

As a herbaceous plant the plume does not require a form and maintenance cut in the true sense. However, the scissors are used from time to time to cut down withered flowers. In this way, the sunlight reaches the next bud, for a never-ending flowering into autumn.

I want to overwinter my Celosia. How does it work?

Concerning the chances of success of a hibernation of Celosia, there is disagreement among experts. Since the non-hardy plum will thrive in his home country for several years, it is still worth a try. How to do it right:

The cooler, low-light hibernation gives your Celosia a period of regeneration that can positively affect next year's flowering. On the warm, sunny windowsill, on the other hand, the spring bushes delight us during the dreary winter season with its distinctive blossoms.


Do not be confused by the many inflorescences of Celosia. Whether the exotic summer flower now comes as a plume with fragrant Puschelblüten or as Brandschopf with the pretty cockscombs - in terms of care, all sorts and varieties pull together.