Multiply fan palms with seeds

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chinese fan palm producing seeds in the summer
Video: Chinese fan palm producing seeds in the summer


Fan palm can best be pulled from seeds

Multiply fan palms with seeds

Fan palms you can multiply yourself from seeds. But you need a lot of patience, because it takes a lot of time to grow a seed from a seed. This is how the multiplication of a fan palm works.

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Multiply fan palms from seeds

You can pull a fan palm out of seeds. Seeds are available in the garden shop market. The fact that an already existing fan palm itself produces seeds, is unlikely in our latitudes.

When is the best time for sowing?

In contrast to many other plants you sow fan palms in late summer or autumn.

To multiply fan palms from seeds

All palm seeds are hard-shelled and have to swell. This will increase the chance that the seeds will actually germinate.

Put out one seed per pot. Cover it with a thin layer of substrate and lightly squeeze the soil.

Place the pots in a warm and bright place. Keep the substrate evenly damp, but avoid waterlogging. You can also put the pots in clear plastic bags to keep soil moisture constant. The bags must be aired once a day so that the seed does not mold.

Continue to care for young palms

Several months pass until the seed of the fan palm has germinated. If you are lucky, the following spring will reveal if you have successfully propagated the fan palm.

After emergence of the cotyledons take off the plastic cap if necessary. Do not keep the seedlings too moist, but be careful not to dry them out.

If the young palms have grown several inches tall, you may put them in new pots. Continue to look after them like adult plants.

Protect from sun during the first few months

Do not place the newly propagated fan palms straight into the sun, but slowly accustom them to the light.


Like all palm trees, the fan palm can not be shared to multiply. However, some plants form side shoots that are suitable for propagation. They are cut off and inserted as a cutting in potting soil.