Tips for care of Epiphyllum (leaf cactus)

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
Epiphyllum/Orchid Cactus Plant Care | Queen of the Night Plant Care Tips
Video: Epiphyllum/Orchid Cactus Plant Care | Queen of the Night Plant Care Tips


The beautiful leaf cactus is amazingly easy to care for

Tips for care of Epiphyllum (leaf cactus)

Although the Epiphyllum or leaf cactus is one of the cacti, the care is slightly different from other species. Only if you properly care for Epiphyllum, the beautiful flowers develop. Tips for taking care of Epiphyllum.

Next article Epiphyllum does not bloom - causes of missing flowers

How do you properly pour Epiphyllum?

Do not use calcareous water for casting! Epiphyllum always likes it slightly damp and should never completely dry out. Waterlogging is essential to avoid.

After the winter break, slowly start increasing the amount of water.

What should be considered when fertilizing?

Cactus fertilizer is not suitable for Epiphyllum. As a fertilizer, give normal houseplant fertilizer that contains little nitrogen. The recommended dose is reduced by half. Fertilization takes place every 14 days.

Begin fertilizing when the first blossoms appear. From the end of September you will no longer give fertilizer.

When do you pot Epiphyllum?

If the pot has become too small or the substrate is completely exhausted, pest the Epiphyllum in spring. Shake off the old earth well.

Do you have to cut Epiphyllum?

It is not necessary to cut leaf cacti. But you can cut the shoots if they have become too long.

If you want to multiply the Epiphyllum, cut cuttings of 15 cm length in spring or summer.

Which diseases and pests should be considered?

Illnesses occur with wrong care. In too much wetness rotten roots, in drought, the roots are weakened, lack of light can hurry the shoots.

Occasionally it can come to fungal attack, which is expressed by spots on the leaf limbs or crooked shoots.

Watch out for pests like:

How do you care for Epiphyllum in winter?

In winter you have to make Epiphyllum cooler. Temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees are ideal. Frost does not tolerate the leaf cactus.

Why does not the Epiphyllum blossom?

If the Epiphyllum does not bloom, the plant may still be too young.

In addition, the flowering stops when the leaf cactus does not hibernate, is kept too moist in winter or suffers from a lack of nutrients.


Never use normal cactus soil as a substrate. Buy special leaf cactus soil or mix the soil of compost earth and quartz sand yourself.