Enzian propagate - That's how it's done!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Enzian propagate - That's how it's done! - Garden
Enzian propagate - That's how it's done! - Garden


Gentian can be u.a. multiply over cuttings

Enzian propagate - That's how it's done!

Gentian is easy to multiply. There are several ways in which you can grow new perennials for the rockery or bucket on the patio. What to look out for when growing new gentian plants.

The different methods to multiply gentian

Like all perennials, gentian can also be propagated by division or cuttings. The simplest is the multiplication by seeds.

Sow gentian yourself or remove from seed

Gentian seeds itself when seed capsules are allowed to ripen in the faded flowers. If you want to sow gentian yourself, you must not cut the flowers.

Once the seed pods are ripe, they open and scatter the seed. Leave the perennial to yourself, you do not have to worry about offspring.

To harvest seeds for sowing in the pot, cut off the ripe seed pods and place them in a plastic bag. By shaking and tapping open the capsules and release the seeds.

Gentian is a cold germ

For the seed to germinate, it needs a period of very cool temperatures to overcome the germ inhibition.

In the autumn, sow the seeds either directly in the field or in a prepared pot of garden soil. The seed is only slightly covered and kept moist but not wet.

After emergence, you have to separate the plantlets. Once they are big enough, plant them in the desired location.

New gentian perennials through division

Get the gentian out of the ground in fall or spring. Using a spade, divide the perennial to leave enough leaves and roots on both sides.

Then plant the new shrubs that have been created in this way.

Use cuttings for propagation

Cut cuttings after flowering. Remove the lower leaves and insert the shoots in well drained garden soil.

Better put a few cuttings too much, because not all shoots root.

Tips & Tricks

Neither the seed nor the remaining plant parts of the gentian contain toxins. Only bitter substances are found mainly in the roots. But they are not dangerous for humans.