Where do angel trumpets have to stand? A differentiated question

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dr. Maria Carreira: "Differentiating Instruction to Meet the Needs of Heritage Language Learners"
Video: Dr. Maria Carreira: "Differentiating Instruction to Meet the Needs of Heritage Language Learners"


The angel trumpet needs a lot of sun

Where do angel trumpets have to stand? A differentiated question

The angel trumpet is one of the ornamental plants that can not be kept in our latitudes in permanent outdoor culture. The location question is therefore not only an important, but also quite a bit more complicated.

The feel-good circumstances of the angel trumpet

Under which environmental circumstances the Engelstrompete feels comfortable, as with all plants can be read by their origin. In this genus, it is the subtropical South America. In general, then: The angel trumpet needs, as far as the location is concerned, heat, protection against frost and quite a lot of light.

Location basic rules:

Location in the summer

If you want to present your angel's trumpet in the garden or on the terrace during the main summer vegetative phase, you should not give it a full sun, but a partially shaded place. Because too much heat tolerates her bad, especially in the tub culture, in which her immense thirst can quickly become life-threatening.

Location in winter

In winter you can put the angel trumpet either bright or dark. The former should also be associated with slightly higher temperatures, about 10 to 20 ° C. Then some varieties can even bloom again.