Fertilize angel trumpets - a worthwhile necessity

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Angel trumpet - grow & care (Brugmansia)
Video: Angel trumpet - grow & care (Brugmansia)


A professional fertilizer gift rewards the angel trumpet with many large flowers

Fertilize angel trumpets - a worthwhile necessity

Angel trumpets are especially loved by exotic plants fans for their magnificence - however, a lot has to be done for the large, trumpet-shaped flowers and the often attractively structured foliage - fertilizing is a must in the nightshade plant.

The hunger of the angel trumpet

The angel's trumpet, with its large, but at the same time delicate flowers, is actually angelic - and its leaves are also extremely decorative with their flat, differently arranged structures, depending on the variety. Unfortunately, the beauty of the angel's trumpet does not come free of charge - if you want to get a copy in your gardening area, you have to expect some work.

Your origin

For one thing, the plant is a non-native species - its origin is in the South American Andes, where they know, above all, no temperatures as in our winters. A free-range culture is therefore usually not possible in this country. It should be kept in a bucket, but must contain as voluminous and executable substrate. Of course, more nutrients are involved.

Your family affiliation

Above all, the angel trumpet belongs to the nightshade family and is therefore very hungry and thirsty. It also evaporates vast amounts of water and needs lots of nutrients due to its power-consuming flowers and the surface-rich leaves. In order to attract them magnificently, an intensive fertilizer supply is extremely useful.

What makes the water and fertilizer gift with angel trumpets so necessary:

Fertilize on two channels


The angel's trumpet should be fertilized double-tracked over the main vegetative phase like many star gazers. To prevent them from getting into a dangerous hunger phase, they should first of all be provided with a long-term fertilizer after they have been weighed out - best, if necessary, after you have given them a larger pot.

Short-term fertilizer

In addition, a regular short-term fertilizer application is necessary. In spring, you should use a growth fertilizer with an elevated nitrogen content. He strengthens the plant in the first time after their hibernation and prepares them for their strenuous flowering phase. When the first flowers are formed, a special flowering fertilizer is recommended for potted plants with an elevated potassium content. You can also dissolve simple blue grain fertilizer in the irrigation water.

Fertilizer stop from the end of August

At the end of the growing season, from about the end of August, you should then stop the fertilization, so that the angel trumpet can gradually adjust to their resting phase.