When do angelic trumpets bloom? A question of the sort

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
BIG & BOLD Brugmansia Tree in full BLOOM. Angel trumpet care & Culture. How to Grow Burgmansia Trees
Video: BIG & BOLD Brugmansia Tree in full BLOOM. Angel trumpet care & Culture. How to Grow Burgmansia Trees


The Brugmansia insignis usually blooms from July

When do angelic trumpets bloom? A question of the sort

The flowering phase is certainly the highlight in the angel trumpet culture. That is the reason for the poetic name of the South American ornamental plant. However, when you can expect the emergence of ornate, large flowers, is not a blanket answer.

The flowering time of the angel's trumpet - coarse and fine details

Basically, there is already a general clue in the flowering time of the angel trumpet. For coarse generic descriptions usually a blanket flowering period from June to October is indicated. However, the exact flowering phase is dependent on the variety. Thus, some varieties show their flowers already in May, others only from July. It is useful to know that within the Brugmansia genus there is a distinction between two groups: the warm and the cold group.


Their names have the two Brugmansia groups of the origin of the associated varieties. Although the South American Andes are the home of all angelic trumpets, the area has both warm oceanic regions and cool mountain heights - and at all altitudes up to about 3000 m, Engelstrompet varieties have developed.

Warm group

The warm varieties are originally from the lower layers and are therefore generally more heat-adapted. In general, you can expect to flower a bit later - more from July than from May. The Warmgroup includes:

Cold group

The Kalten group includes the varieties that come from the mountains of the Andes and are used to colder temperatures. Their flowers can open early in May and are also less sensitive to bad weather conditions. In addition, they can train flowers in winter, if you can offer them a winter garden or a greenhouse with mild temperature and bright light conditions as a wintering quarters! The warm group includes, for example: