How to care for the elephant ear - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 18 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Gardening Tips : Caring for Elephant Ear Plants
Video: Gardening Tips : Caring for Elephant Ear Plants


The elephant ear needs a lot of light

How to care for the elephant ear - tips and tricks

Under the name elephant ear different plants can be found, of which only one is suitable as a houseplant. This is the belonging to the Amaryllisgewächsen Haemanthus albiflos. It is quite easy to maintain, very decorative, but rare.

Next article Is the propagation of elephant ears easy?

Plant the elephant ear and repot

About every two to three years, the elephant ear may be repotted. It prefers a loose and permeable substrate. Put your elephant ear in a new pot, then it should be only slightly larger than the old planter and have a drain hole.

Ideally, the diameter of the plant pot is about three centimeters larger than the root ball or the bulb of your elephant ear. Before using the plant, be sure to apply a drainage layer.

The right location for the elephant ear

The elephant ear, which comes from South Africa, likes to be warm and bright, but tolerates direct sunlight as well as frost or waterlogging. Therefore, it feels much better on a west or east window than on a south window. If the summer is warm, then the elephant ear may like to stand outside in the shade. Also a heated greenhouse or a winter garden is a good place for the elephant ear.

Pour and fertilize the elephant ear

From April to October you should water the elephant ear so that the substrate is always a little damp, but never wet. Fertilization is also useful during this time. Add a little liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water about once a month.

Hibernate the elephant ear properly

In winter, the elephant ear needs almost no care, because it holds hibernation. It does not need to be fertilized and only rarely be watered. If the plant has been standing on the balcony in the summer, it should move back to the apartment or conservatory by September at the latest. The ideal winter temperature for the elephant ear is 12 ° C to 15 ° C.

The essentials in brief:


Although the elephant ear is a rather rare houseplant, it is very decorative and easy to care for.