Vervain: The care must not be neglected

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Vervain: The care must not be neglected

It grows and thrives magnificently. But suddenly it fasts a meager existence: The leaves are infested with mildew and the flowers wither prematurely. Guilt can be care mistakes. The care that verbena requires is explained below.

How should verbena be poured and fertilized?

Since verbena grows best in sunny locations, it should be watered there regularly. But do not worry: the herb gets along well with dry soil at times. On the other hand, it does not tolerate waterlogging.

When fertilizing should be used sparingly. Verbena prefers lean to moderately nutrient-rich substrates. In particular, if it grows in a pot or bucket on the balcony, it should be fertilized. The fertilizer application in the form of liquid fertilizer can be done every two to three weeks. Fertilizing stimulates growth and provides abundance of flowers.

How can you propagate vervain?

Vervain likes to multiply by itself. The seeds come from the inconspicuous claus fruits. Who wants to take the sowing of vervain in their own hands, should proceed as follows:

When should the verbena be cut?

Vervain does not necessarily have to be cut forcibly. However, it is recommended to cut off its withered inflorescences. This should be done regularly. Whenever you see withered inflorescences, cut them off. A few weeks later new flowers have developed in their place. As a result, the flowering time of the verbena takes longer.

Furthermore, to preserve the healthy appearance of the plant, you should clean out the old and dried leaves. Last but not least, experts recommend that the seedlings be sown after sowing. The result is bushy awake plants.

Is it necessary to overwinter the verbena?

The verbena is considered sensitive to cold. Often, however, it survives the winter time. You can, if you want and plant it in a pot, hibernate it in a safe place. To do this, cut down the verbena in autumn, take the pot and place it in a dark and cool place like the cellar.

Tips & Tricks

A time-consuming care can be avoided from the outset by the verbena is an ideal location.