Typical diseases of the single leaf

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guidelines for Diagnosing Plant Problems
Video: Guidelines for Diagnosing Plant Problems


The single leaf is very rarely sick

Typical diseases of the single leaf

Jewelry to look at, easy to maintain and extremely robust: The single leaf (Spathiphyllum) is not without reason one of the most popular houseplants. The distinctive plant with its large, green leaves and the striking, white bracts is at home in the tropical rainforests of Colombia and Venezuela and thrives there in the light shade of the jungle giants. In domestic care, the single leaf forgives many a mistake, but sometimes it also reacts with diseases or a pest infestation.

Brown leaves have different causes

Quite often, the single leaf responds to serious care mistakes with a browning of the leaves. Depending on how this color is expressed, there is another reason behind it.

Brown leaf tips

For example, if only the tips of the leaves turn brown, the air is simply too dry. Spathiphyllum is a rainforest plant and as such accustomed to a humidity of between 70 and 100 percent. We will not reach these values ​​in our apartment, but the plant needs more moisture. So, you can do something to your paper by spraying it with warmed rainwater or stale tap water from time to time. However, you should avoid the flowers, as they may otherwise turn ugly brown.

Brown leaves

Wholly brown, drying leaves, in turn, can have two causes: either the plant dries out of lack of water or it dies of thirst because its roots rot due to prolonged waterlogging. A water shortage can be resolved quickly by pervading the plant. Root rot, on the other hand, requires immediate repotting, including pruning of the defective components. Brown spots or spots on the leaves, in turn, are a clear indication that you have overfertilized your single leaf. Also in this case, the plant should be converted into fresh substrate and less fertilized in the future.

Yellow spots or dots

In particular, in warm and dry indoor air, there is often an attack with spider mites. These tiny, leaf-sucking animals are difficult to see with the naked eye, which is why an infestation is often detected only when it is already well advanced. An indication of a spider mite infection is yellow spots or spots on the leaves. You can prevent these pests by providing a high level of humidity.

Leaf spot

Mostly dark brown, ring-shaped spots with a bright edge and withering lower leaves are an indication of the so-called leaf spot disease. In this case only helps to remove the affected leaves, in a strong infestation even the whole plant must be disposed of.


Check the substrate regularly for mold and replace if necessary.