Why does the Efeutute get yellow leaves?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SATIN POTHOS Plant Care Tips | Scindapsus Pictus Houseplant Care
Video: SATIN POTHOS Plant Care Tips | Scindapsus Pictus Houseplant Care


Care mistakes are almost always the cause of yellow leaves on the skin

Why does the Efeutute get yellow leaves?

Basically, it is normal for an individual to occasionally get yellow leaves - as long as there are not too many. If many leaves turn yellow, it is usually not optimal care. How do you prevent the efeutute from turning yellow?

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Causes of yellow leaves of the ivy people

If an effeute gets many yellow leaves, the following care mistakes are usually responsible:

The casting of an efeutute requires a bit of tact. The earth should never dry out completely, but waterlogging is just as harmful.

Do not pour the effluent until the top layer has dried.

Staples too tight

The tendrils of the ivy people are often held in brackets. If they are too tight, they cut off the water supply of the leaves. Loosen the clips.

Increase humidity

Sometimes too dry room air causes yellow leaves of the Efeutute. This is especially common in winter, when the heaters are on.

Spray the effluents regularly with water. Use tap water that is as low in lime as possible, so that no lime edges form on the leaves. In addition, you can put a few bowls of water next to the plant. But do not let the irrigation water in the coaster stand.

Do not place objects near radiators. Here the air dries out too much. Even direct sunlight is not cheap. Shadow the insects at lunchtime or place them a little farther from the window.


Occasionally the leaves of the ivy turkey drip. This is almost always because the substrate is too wet. Pour less and always pour off excess irrigation water.